Sunday, May 20, 2007

I have too much to say about nothing

If there's one thing consistent about my blogging frequency, it's that, about a week before I have an essay due, there'll be an update. I don't have anything much to report except I DON'T WANNA DO MY ESSAY and that's no big surprise anyway.

Oh man, F-Man is totally moving to Queensland! Follow the link on the side, to his journal, to read about the trials and tribulations about landing this job, but he TOTALLY MADE IT. Because he is a WINNER. You hear me, F-Man? You're a WINNER. Congrats, dude. Seriously.

Only you'll be leaving about a week before I visit next, which I do NOT appreciate. But I guess the new job's more important. And I'm super happy for you. (Seriously, hot people EVERYWHERE.)

But yeah! My next trip to Perth has been organised already, and I'll be leaving in 5 weeks from yesterday, and staying about 3 and a half weeks this time. 5 weeks doesn't seem very long. Except that I have essays, exams, and research participation to get out of the way in that time. Not to mention listen to all those lectures I skipped. Not to mention myriad doctor's appointments. I think the time will fly like crazy, and I gots to get some money in there as well. That'll be interesting.

So, I read a book recently. This isn't one of those "*gasp* shock horror, she read a book!" moments. I read a lot of books. This book is worth mentioning however, due to it's sheer bizarreness. This book is called "Spiral". With the words "written by the author of Ring" on the cover, but no mention of the word "sequal" I had originally just thought that perhaps Koji Suzuki wasn't actually a great writer, and basically had all of one plot that he put in all his books, with the videotape that kills people. But no, it turned out to be another sequel, and fair enough.

Anyway, what's really weird about this book, is the fact that it goes from fairly boring to completely bizarre, really suddenly, about I dunno, five chapters from the end. It had been fairly mundane to begin with, "Omg, ppl r dying, wtf, smallpox?" Until, and I should, at this point say, OMG SPOILERZ!, but I don't imagine you'll never read it, until suddenly there were week long gestational periods for human females, week long development into fully grown people, mutation of gene sequencing to form messages from beyond the grave, asexual reproduction/cloning?!

It was a really odd book.

What was REALLY odd, however, was this chick, the one who fell down the well, for people who've seen or read (The) Ring, was in fact, not just a homocidal freak from beyond the grave. She's trying to establish herself, yes HERSELF, as a new species. I won't go into detail, but there'll be a whole lot of little clones of her, running around, replacing mankind. IT WAS SO ODD.

It was still a pretty good read, for those who could get past the questionable science and the fact that the characters were far too willing to believe what was going on. Still pretty good.

Also, what struck me as odd (yes, apart from all the other things) was the reason this girl was down the well to begin with. I'm far more familiar with the American version, I have to admit. But in that story, little girl of about 8 was making mommy crazy and killing the horses with her mind powers or something, till mommy snapped and threw her down a well. Now, I had always taken this for gospel, coz the Japanese movie was a little hard to understand. But it seems that in the Japanese versions, mum had mind powers too, and she died. And little girl, also with mind powers, kept on a-living till the age of about 20, when she visited her ageing father in a Tuberculosis sanatorium where she got raped, the rapist discovered she was a hermaphrodite, and HE pushed her down a well. These are two extremely different stories! I wonder why the Americans found rape and murder, y'know the average episode of Law & Order: SVU, more abhorrent than filicide. I mean, sure they're both really awful. But it seems like, if you're remaking a movie, you would go ahead and use the plot already in place, rather than making a whole new one?

Anyway, moving on completely.

Those American devils from Caveat Lector (follow the link on the side, I really am lazy) have issued a challenge to the manhood of my beloved Tim, in comic form! The battle of the comics will be joined soon enough, so stand ye well back, lest ye be splattered with ink.

Or worse.


Yeah, I dunno. I'm really just blathering about anything tonight. Keeps me busy, and busy not doing my essay. And so...

Drizzt graphic novels. Omg. The almighty R.A. Salvatore, responsible for making every drow ever a surface-walking chaotic good emo with rejection issues, has deemed his incredible books worthy of the graphic novel medium. And by god, I will own every one of them before I die. So help me, they will be mine. Oh, gawd, they are *pretty*. So pretty.

Umm... Tomb Raider Anniversary! Successful re-imagination or redoing the same tired old thing? Who knows! It hasn't come out yet. At least not for PC. And apparently they're making it for the Wii now too. That should be... interesting. Actually, I have no idea how that would work. But I'm sure it will, or they wouldn't do it. I for one am still really looking forward to it's release, even though it'll be a lot more challenging and apparently a little more limiting than Legend. But y'know.

Also, I hear y'all are stoked about Star Craft 2, eh? I never played 1, despite everyone going "OMG best game evar!" about a million times in my ear. Um... yeah. So that'll be good, huh?

Oh, I dunno. Obscure book references, cult video games, I'm a huge nerd, and worse I have too much to say about nothing. Sorry!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Oh man, this one's a doozy.

Right, bitches. It's time to talk about blogging. Like some kind of meta-blog, you might say. Only you wouldn't say that, because you're not a pretentious twit, am I right?

Point is, the way I see it, there are three kinds of bloggers. Those that update frequently with every little detail of their lives; those that update occasionally, but they are either interesting enough, or humourous enough, or some divine combination, that 'occasionally' is enough; and those that don't blog at all, and when they do, it's daft/pithy/whinging/dull.

Now, a lot of my friends (I'm looking your way, Silvy) will immediately try to guess who I'm talking about, if I'm talking about them, is this just a really inefficient way of saying "OMG LOLZ SUCH AND SUCH SUCK DICK"? But I assure you, it's not. I'm really not saying any of this with anyone in particular in mind. So if you think you're in a category, you put yourself there, not me. Frankly, I'm just frustrated with the blogging community in general, and their lack of updating! Of course, there are exceptions, and if you blog well, and with frequency, you are excused, and may go. But the rest of you? "I must not be a shit blogger" 50 times in the backs of your books.

There was a point in there that I didn't actually address. Maybe the astute ones who can read between the lines will pick it up. Maybe it's not even there for them. Maybe I should've thought about what I was writing a little better. The point is, there are more important issues to discuss.

Namely, the greek-spanish conflict.

Since the beginning of time, the Spanish have been patrolling the limits of their borders, flexing their muscles at the mighty Greeks, whose borders have been closed to all outsiders since their two cities decided this 'nation' business might be worth a try. Until the advent of flight, the lands of the Greeks were a mystery, and the Spanish had to content themselves with scuffles with other nations of the super-continent, most often the Babylonians. The Spanish grew in power, however, and as the Greeks continued to exert their power over the French, Persians and Babylonians and extract thousands in tribute, the Spanish began to resist. There came a day, finally, when High Priestess Hippolyta realised that Icy Isabella was no longer cowed by her power. She still had the other nations under her thumb however, and they continued to empty their treasury to satisfy her. She soon began to regret not crushing the puny Spanish while they had been crawling in the dirt in their animal hides, and the mighty Greeks had already been flourishing.

While ostensibly friendly, due to the influence of the United Nations, empty threats were subtly exchanged between the two super-powers, and they knew that one day, the threats would not be mere rhetoric. In the early 1900s, there finally began a contest to decide who was greatest nation. This struggle did not occur on any battlefield, though, but in the void above the Earth, as the Space Race began. Babylon and France made their own attempts at the race to reach Alpha Centauri, but as expected, the real combatants were Icy Isabella and the Great Hippolyta. The gasps of the friendly nations were heard as the S.S.S. Isabella launched many years before the Greeks were due to begin their own space flight.

The Greeks battled on however, and lauched their own spacecraft, with 100% chance of success, though years too late, it seemed. In the years after the launch, the Spanish took on a more aggressive persona, and began to strike down peace treaties between the other nations that had existed for thousands of years. It was as if they foresaw the defeat that was to come. The final chilling transmission from the Isabella, beyond the reach of any that could help them, reached the Earth. The Spanish had been to hasty in their desire to attain superiority over the Greeks. The G.S.S. Hippolyta crew observed a moment of silence as they passed the wreckage, on their way to victory.

Icy Isabella still seeths in her fine palace as she continues to beat out her frustration on the smaller nations. The Great Hippolyta stands strong.

And that's the story of how I beat the crap out of Civilisation II, bitches. Damn Spaniards, think they can beat me. Theys wrong, they is! All hail, The Mighty Hippolyta!