Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hells yes, boys!

Good evening ladies!

Sorry about the delay in all the blogging. See, I was GONNA get this new swanky blog, and I thought I'd save all my updates until that came along. However, for SOME reason, it's not ready yet. So I thought I'd let the internet in general know that I'm still alive. And I figure I've probably shaken off those stalkers by now.

Or added more!

Nothing says seduction like complete silence.

So yes! Please hold while I check my last update so I know what I've mentioned already.

Haha, shit. I really haven't updated in a while. So it's been more like 10 months since the move to Perth, and I'm totally all settled in now. Most people will know that Tim and I have found ourselves the cutest goddamn little house. It's got it's problems, but hey, who doesn't. And most of it's are fixable. Yeah, we've had the plumber round like 4 times already. But hey! It's still an awesome little house.

Already I've had occasion to be falling down drunk in it like.. what? 3 times? 4? 5? I can't even remember. They all sort of blur into one. But man, this house is great for getting drunk in. There are so many sharp corners, and hard things for me to hurt myself on. And I'm intimately accquainted with the kitchen floor now, it being my constant companion when I'm drunk. It and Debari. Good old Guitari.

Tompkins the Awesome recently came over to visit me, and that was truly great. It was so much fun having him around again, and I was sad to see him go. Hopefully he'll come back one day. But I won't hold my breath. I think he got along with my buddies pretty good, and vice versa. Some more than others I guess. I have clear visions of him getting along with John and such, but not so much people like Felix? That might just be my alcohol riddled brain, but yep. Whatevs!

I also just started uni today! It was the beginning of semester like, last week, but I haven't been able to make it to any classes yet, with work! Hopefully the iLectures will come up soon, so I don't get too behind, but I'm starting to freak out.

Man, the Curtin campus is NOTHING like Mac. Where Macquarie was spacious and spread out, Curtin is packed, and yet still, spread out. There are seriously like, a million buildings in there, and yet the campus is still huge. I'm sure there was much of Mac I didn't get to see in my short time there, but even still. I think I saw more buildings today, in search of one elusive building, that I saw in the entirety of my stay at Macquarie. That's not even an exaggeration.

The other thing is that it seems to be more organised. But I'm just putting that down to a Perth thing in general. Everything here is more efficient. Just about. I'm sure there's one big exception, but I can't think what it is. Anyway, there wasn't some massive mess of students higgldy-piggldy trying to enrol to pick subjects and whatnot. It was actually a one-on-one (well, two, I brought Tim, you see) meeting with the course supervisor, who went through all the options with me. I don't know how they possibly have the time for that, but hell, it was SO much freakin' better than at Mac. Also, their student services bit is WAY more organised, there are a lot more people, and wow, it's just so... not Macquarie.

Also you can order your textbooks online. Nice!

Man, Tim, Debari and I just saw the new X-Files movie. Man, people who say they didn't like it must've have watched any of the show, 'cause I think it really captured the essence of what the show was all about, really really nicely. It was probably even a little better than I was expecting. Man, who the fuck wrote that soundtrack though. That was absolute balls. About a dozen times during the movie I couldn't help but think maybe they got the intern to write it. 'Cause man. It was TRAGIC.

And tomorrow we've got an advanced screening of Taken. I'm not sure if I would've seen this one if it weren't for the free tickets. I mean, it looks okay, but maybe a little generic. I do enjoy watching Liam Neeson do anything though. He'll always be Qui-Gon Jinn to me though. Or at least some kind of kindly mentor.

Or talking lion.

Anyway, I know it's been a while, but that's all I can really think of at the moment. I would mention things like, video games, or like Felix coming home. But I think the people who read this either already know, 'cause they like, see him everyday or have never met the man. And don't care about video games. So I won't bother. I might just sign off.

Man, Fable 2 is gonna be freakin' wicked though. Hells yes, boys!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Good times had by all, I guess.

Oh man, you know what I should do? Blog. Totally.

I expect most of my "fanbase" will've stopped reading by now, with such and enormous hiatus, but hopefully that'll just mean my unidentified stalker will have found someone else to stalk and moved on. Unless they're a serial stalker, I guess. But that's just time consuming.

So! I've been in Perth for nigh on 2 months now. Actually.... exactly 2 months! Yesterday! Coinciding nicely with the anniversary of Timothy and I being together for eighteen months! That's two babies, people! If we were serial concievers. Which I think we all know, we are.

So many serialists this post! I'm a serial serialer. I guess...

I can't even remember when the last time I posted was, but I'm going to go ahead and assume it was before Christmas and New Year and all that.

Christmas was fun. Well, okay, you understand. It was nothing like being at home with my amazing family, despite the fact that the number of presents increased by like 300%. I missed my family so very much. Especially since Dad decided to fly off to America to spend it with his floozies and whatnot. So it would have been a deliciously Dad-free Christmas. But no, I was here. And that was okay. Especially since discovering the most delicious thing ever.


I don't know maybe it's something they do over here? Or maybe it's just a Tim's-Mum thing. But yeah. It sounds horribly fattening and greasy to begin with, that's what I thought too. But don't knock it till you've tried it.

It's like the things Tom's Mum served at his 21st. Bacon wrapped around fruits and things. Only less wacky. Get this. Think about it. Bacon... wrapped around... sausages. Bacon wrapped sausages! I thought it could only lead to heart attacks, but man. MAN. It tastes GOOD. Not something you'd want to indulge in too often though.

Yep! Anyway, then we spent an awkward night with Tim's extended family who really enjoyed pretending I didn't exist. Good times had by all, I guess.

Oh man, looking back at my last post reminds me that it was even before my birthday! Man, my friends here are pretty awesome. They got they funds together and got me a pink DS! And like, Sarah came in and bought it from me! From... ME! Ridiculous!

And then they even hung around the whole night when my party was pretty dull. Kudos to them for their staying power.

Anyway, New Years was also cool! There was drinking too much, and cigars, and some stargazing. I believe I taught Debari about some constellations, but thinking back, I might've been making it up 'cause I was completely plastered. Having said that, I can't even remember what I told him, but we saw THREE SHOOTING STARS. I've never seen any! Woo! Go John's house, being all in the country and all, I guess.

I remember, at the time, totally thinking all "Hmm, I guess that makes sense with the meteor shower and whatnot" or something. The meteor shower? Just how drunk WERE you, lady?

Anyway, we left about when my boss was passed out on the lawn.

And coming next weekend is the beginning of the WeekLAN! I've never been to one, but from last year, and the way people here won't shut the fuck up about it, I'm thinking it's going to be pretty great!

And... I guess that's my list of stuff I've done! My head hurts, so I'ma go away from my computer now, I guess! Everyone else should blog too, dammit!