Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Not only a complete blog overhaul, but TWO updates this month! Shock! Horror! Brain-splode! Mop-Power!

Don't forget to check out the new links! Blogs! Webcomics! Your mum's naughty website that she prayed you'd never find!

Oh Em Frikity Gee. Uni started on Monday. My very first day at uni. It was like my first day at school only I'm a lot less cute and I had to find ridiculously named rooms without the aid of a parent or teacher. Or even fellow student, if I want to retain the facade of relaxed calm. Oh, friendly fire escape map, what would I do without you. Surely, you are my only friend. Well, you and the new Mexican place that just opened. Gawd, I love it. You guys should come to my place and hang out! New-Mexican-Place can bring dinner.

Yeah... but uni's been a bit of a waste of time this week, unfortunately! It's been mostly what they call "Introductory Lectures", y'see. So! It mostly amounts to 20 minute lectures on the virtues of textbooks, course outlines and not plagiarising; followed by waiting for two hours for "Introductory Tutorials" in which they discuss the virtues of... doing assignments, and handing them in at some point.

But I can't see it not picking up next week. Double negatives, bitches! Also, the second part of my very first psych lecture was an ACTUAL lecture. And it was pretty freakin' awesome. So, in conclusion, woo.

Oh! So I went to see Evanescense when they were in town the other day. It's was godawesome. What? You can have godawful but not godawesome? Just coining phrases, don't mind me. Point is, it was pretty great. Not a lot of audience interaction though! So it might as well have been a CD. It was still pretty awesome though. Also, Shihad opened for them! Which was a personal dream when I was a little girl. My interest had somewhat waned over the years, but it was still great to finally see them. But no-one else knew who they were! I was shocked and appalled! At all of you!

Next stop, DragonForce in May! Volunteers welcome!

Hmm... I've kind of lost the heart for blogging. Still. Check out the links. Kisses.

1 comment:

Tom said...

You had BETTER organise that shit!

I.e. Dragonforce.

Not that Dragonforce is shit.


Most of the time.

I'm enjoying Wondermark so much. So very much. Thank you for allowing me to re-discover it. Yay links! Yay the internet.