Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's mostly cleaning and packing.

Wow, what do I even say.

Tonight is the end of an era. Tomorrow is the beginning of the end. And then later that week is the end, and the after that, the beginning.

I'm moving. Finally, it's happening and suddenly, with the imminent arrival of my Timothy and the beginning of a full-on week of doing goodbye stuffs, it's close and it's real. By the end of next week I'll be living in a new city, in a new state overlooking a new ocean. I'll be socialising with new friends, eating dinners with a new family, missing the people I used to see all the time, and seeing the people I used to miss all the time.

It's the end of an era, and I'm scared, I'm excited, I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm frustrated, I'm bored and I don't know what to do with myself. Well, I do. It's mostly cleaning and packing. But I'm in so much denial it's been impossible to start.

I'm making it sound worse than it is. I am truly excited. But there are a lot of things about Sydney that I don't want to leave behind. My Mum, my friends, my way of life for the last year or so. Tom's sense of humour, not least. Yes, Tom, you get a special mention. I don't want to make other people feel bad, like they're less important. But Tom's been a close friend for ages. I hardly do anything without him these days, and suddenly his understanding of my mind and hugely similar sense of humour are going to be three thousand kilometres away. You're my Scarecrow, man. I'm going to miss you most of all.

I'd take that analogy further along the Tinman and Cowardly Lion lines, but I think if I starting picking out more individuals, people would get upset at being left out and whatnot. So just Tom being super-special is enough.

Speaking of Tom, he turns 21 tomorrow. The big one. The last birthday anyone's going to be excited about until you turn 30. And think how scary that'll be. You might be married, have kids, a mortage, a divorce, a crazy stepmother, an affair. You might be a millionaire.

Notice I'm talking about you, despite the fact my birthday is just barely over a month later than yours? I'm sure psychologists have a term for that, and I'm pretty sure I know what it is! But I'm not going to say it in case I'm wrong and Jimi reads it. Then I'll never live it down and he might not like me anymore!

He celebrated this milestone birthday on Saturday night. I was celebrating extra hard for him, and I rather regretted it the next day. I made a right fool of myself, in front of people that will probably never forgive me. But I had a good time, and I think that's what counts. Wait...

Anyway, I fell off a chair, okay? It was uneven ground! Just ask Tom! I went all unconcious too. Good times. I had bruises aplenty the next day.

At least, I think, I managed to recruit extra people to come to my OWN party next week. Like Kat! And hopefully Lou! I.. hope they come anyway. Sadface. I also invited Alistair, but, uh. With my performance, I'm not sure he'll come! I'd sure like it though.

And I spent a long time talking to my drunk friends in Perth! Who were celebrating a similar birthday.

Finally, tomorrow is my last day at work. I haven't been working there very long, but wow. I sure have grown attached to the place. It's one of the first places where going there a few times a week didn't feel like a chore, and I didn't count the hours till I got to leave. And boy, am I attached to those kids. I'd like to say I'd steal some after I leave or something, but then if one actually went missing, I'd look like the prime suspect.

Anyway, I think that's where I'd better leave it. I'm tired from all the cleaning and I have to get up early to make final preparations and go to work and things. So the next time I update, I'll probably be in Perth. For good. I'll miss you all.

And update your blogs bitches. It's more important now than ever. How else will I keep up with the Sydney rabble.


The Great Unwashed said...

Well, I'm just about ready to leave for the airport. And I still don't know what to say! I don't know if you'll even read this until I'm there with you. But damn, I still have no idea what to say.

I suck, I'm sorry! I'll see you soon. I love you so much.

Anonymous said...

I hope your okay from falling off that chair...haha sorry I couldnt do that with a straight face.
Anywho I hope everything goes well, with your leaving Sydney, I mean look at Felix he pretty much did the same thing, now he's all cool. You'll find your little niche talking with friends back home and partying with us here. It'll all be good in time.
Yep! so thats my little speech I guess....So yeah, I hope everything goes well and we will see you when you get over here.
Say Hi! to Tim for me!

Anonymous said...

Yo yo yo!

Whaddup my best buddy's lady friend! I'm not going to sugar coat this, but at first it'll be really hard to get used to. But here's the thing, you're going to have good ol Timsly Higglebottom, not to mention Sarah and Jeremy, John, Debari, Mike and Ford (and to a lesser extent Shane ... I guess). You'll be fine over there, you got the support of quite possibly the best bunch of people ever.

Anyways, chill out! it'll all be ok, This move is sanctioned by The Conglomerate of Awesome and it has the patented "Felix's Two Thumbs Up of Approval(tm)" And anyways I'll be there around christmas and new year! so it will be triple awesome!


Simon. said...


I actually don't know when you and Tim come back, like tomorrow or something? Some crazy out of this world time frame that I can't even imagine. Perhaps I'll message him, perhaps you'll even read this before I message him. Doubtful! But hey, it's still doubtful.