Thursday, March 30, 2006

Welcome back

Well, last post was a happy mix of insanity, inanity and abuse. A job well done I would think. But probly not a post I would want people reading as a first impression. Or.. would I?

Anyway, I'm here to write some more. Mostly out of boredom. Also to keep my mind busy. Which are, actually, two different things. They just sound the same. I should be looking at dead bodies right now. Should be. But somehow, I'm the only one who seems to see something wrong with making a special trip out to Homebush to look at dead bodies filled with silicon with class. Yeah, is there something weird about me? Or about them.

I swear, the enthusiasm with which some people were agreeing to go see these corpses is nothing short of ghoulish. I'm sure at least half must've just been nodding with ghastly grins on their faces just to be some sort of emo/goth/fearless cool in front of others. Not me. There is no force in heaven or earth that could make me spend my afternoon gazing thoughtfully at the living impaired.

And I refuse to get pulled into some kind of "well, you watch SVU" debate. I'm aware of the hypocrisy. But there's a line drawn in my mind, and I'm not going to let Cul101 throw up all over it.

Speaking of Cul101, I'm in dire need of a concept I can explore through use of images. But I'm stumped. And I *know* some pretty creative people read this blog.. on and off. I want some serious suggestions. Lest I die of assignmentlessness. Its a pandemic, I tells ya.

Dammit. I really *really* don't want to work on Saturday. *REALLY*. I even had a nightmare about it last night. A serious nightmare. Its been ages since I've had a real nightmare. When you start having nightmares about work, is it usually a sign that you're in the wrong line of work? I don't know. I think it might be. The demon babies will haunt me the rest of my days.

Thats a dirty lie. There weren't any demon babies.

So, my scheduled meeting with Maddie and Chris went well last night. In that, I had a vodka fanta, and we went to McDonalds. I don't think I can ever go to McDonalds again. The very sight of it is starting to turn my stomach. No, thats a dirty lie too. But we go there a lot. Like a *lot*. More than I think even *they'd* recommend. Also, we saw Pedrum. For all those who don't remember/know him, he went to school with us. He was in my music class for 2 years. Or 1 year. Or X years. But yeah, Chris'd never spoken to him in his life, and he ended up pedalling his music to him while we were in line. Maybe Chris should've been in my music class.

I'm thinking about starting singing lessons. I got good advice from a friend lately about my crippling boredom and self-esteem issues, which was to find something that I'd always wanted to do but discarded it, and to concentrate on it for a little while. I think that something might be singing lessons. I don't have high aspirations. I just want to be able to sing without screwing up every two seconds. I think this is something worth looking into.

Maybe then I can start my own epic-melodic-female-singer-metal-band. Yeah! Screw you Nightwish!

And wear pretty dresses ALL the time.

Yup, thinking aloud.. er.. typing.. er.. saying thoughts in cyber words now.

Man. I really need this theme for my visual portfolio. I just have no idea what to do. And its due in a week!! ONE WEEK! I'm so screwed. Naw, I can do it. Once I have an idea what to do it on, I'll be fine. Its just the idea mongering that's holding me back.

I think I'm gonna go research some singing teachers now. Auf Wiedersehen.


By research singing teachers, I mean do Homestar Runner Quizzes

Which Character Are You?

Which Character Are You?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Things that I do

Here I am. Here am I. I'm writing in my very own blog. Wooowiiee look'a me mum!

I don't know what the crap is wrong with me today. I can only put it down to overtiredness. I had so little sleep last night, then had to get up at Sparrows fart to go to work for like 5 hours. Granted, it was a lovely short work. She unexpectedly came home early, and I could get the crap outta there. But next week... oh dear lord. If I turn up dead.. you know.. anywhere. It'll be coz of.. shut up. Next week is going to suck some serious monkey turds, so expect grouchiness to the power of two twins and a 3 year old.

Tonight, there is revelry. I don't know what form that revelry will take, as it seems to be sort of confused. I think we'll just end up making it up as we go along. And those are usually the *best* of nights, or the *worst* of nights. I have high hopes. Anyway, Tom, Em, Greg and Greg's brother. I'd call him Chris, but that wouldn't help, seeing there are about a trillion Chris's's's in my social network. Believe me, I know. I mapped it out once. Linguistics, my ass.

Yeah, so, this entry is pretty much filling in time. Greg's picking me up, and we all know Greggy's record for punctuality. Bwaha. Well, I guess if you don't, you just figured it out. :P Sorry Greggums, I still love you. Just.. you know. Be on time and all. :P

So tired. So very tired. I.. think? I've sort of lost all feeling to my.. wherever you feel tiredness. I'm buzzing but I know I shouldn't be, and I know I'll crash early. Like, you know, when things start to pick up in whatever we do tonight. Ain't it always the way. I love being bouncy, but it neverEVER lasts. I think I should start popping Speed. Yeah. That'd do it.

I keep hearing cars that *aren't* Gregs.

Unless it is.

My brother just called. That was nice. His house has a room letting if anyone is interested. In Petersham, my brother, who you *know* is cool, and a chick called Bea, who is equally cool or moreso, but she's not getting married. So there. Wait.. what the crap'm I talking about?

Point is... shut up.

Where the crap is Greg.

I saw Sin City the other day. Man that is a fabulous movie. Absolutely friggin marvelous. I mean, once you get past the uber-violence. Which I need to. But ONCE you get past it... man.. best movie ever. Ever single shot was a masterpiece. ... Maybe excluding the one where he's beating the yellow guy. What the crap was that.

Still.. what a fabulous movie. I simply loved it. Also, I saw Memento last night. Which my class is watching in two weeks. HAhaa... no uni for me then. Wooop!

That was a great movie too. Never seen a movie what was backwards before, missir.

Screw this blogging crap.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Third... Naw, Shut up.

Know what? I think its time to blog.

Woo! Its been a while since I've been here. So I guess its time to keep you up to date with all the happs in my fairly average, and yet, oh-so-special life.

Yeah, no, what? I have nothing to say.

Umm.. D&D two weeks in a row! If thats not worth mentioning, NOTHING is. Considering we haven't managed to do it for like.. two MONTHS in a row. So yeah. That was good fun. Traipsing about the desert looking for undead, and.. being stuck under a mystical magical maniacal forcefield through which only gaseous form will let us escape. Woo! I love living lives that aren't mine.

Me and Tom really should be given separate time-outs. We're so bad together. We disrupt gameplay like no-ones business. Jokes here, contestations there. Ahh, we're naughty.

BUT! My character earned nearly 50gp whorin' last night! In the desert! How randoms that? Tom's down to 17gp or somethin' and I'm all "maybe you should give whorin' a try?"

Oh, yeah, so I've started working for the Turramurra baby people again now. So if I can't do something social some Saturday, you'll know why. Man, those babies are SO FRIGGIN' CUTE. They are simply adorable. They have tiny little teeth. And they run like maniacs. And then they trip. Awwwww!!

I've found something worse than the bogan though. Oh my. And its the North Shore socialite/prettyboy. Walking around Turramurra looking for an ATM, there wasn't one person who gave me a funny look coz I LOOKED like I'd been working on my feet for eight hours without a break, and had melodic metal blasting out mah ears. So judgemental those people. At least a bogan is friendly. You can get a conversation out of a bogan. But whooaa. Those North Shore yuppies. Pssschh. Kill 'em all.

Wait.. what?

Went out to.. um. Er. Somewhere with Maddie the other day. Roselands I think? It was random anyway. She bought lots of shoes. By lots of, I mean, two pairs. But thats lots to me, seeing I buy one pair at a time, and thats when they're falling off me. But yeah. Friggin' bargain. She bought a pair, and mentioned she'd seen em cheap at another store, for $35 bucks. So the lady conceded and gave em to her cheap. I went and looked at the box later. SEVENTY FIVE BUCKS. Wow. Thats one hell of a discount.

Greg's Barbecue was last weekend. That was lots of fun. Lots of... crashing cars fun. And Magic. And molto yummerando food. Thanks for cooking Greg. I can't remember a lot of it now, it seems like so long ago. But you know. I remember it was fun. Thanks Greg! I guess maybe its my turn to host something soon. :(

Anyway, my day is slipping into the past. I should go. My dad is out, my mum is going to work, my brother doesn't live here anymore. I gots the house to mahself. What should I do? Anyone wanna come over? :)


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Second evah!!

I guess it's time.. yes.. its time... time for JESS'S SECOND ENTRY!

If you get excited about something you did wrong, like not updating for weeks, other people will too. There's a lesson in that. I think I pretty much just summed it up.

Uni is back, and mondays suck. Oh no! Not for me! What're you talking about? No, Mondays suck because every single person I know, apart from my dad, is either working or at uni. Or at school.. but I don't like to talk about that..

My timetable is fabulous. Possibly/extremely helped by the fact that I'm only doing two units. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Heh.. I have to have a little giggle while I can, when I hear everyone else complaining about "9am starts" or "8am starts" or... y'know. Other things.

Speaking of uni, let me set a scene for you. Tuesday afternoons, after a nice sleep in. You go into your Mus102 class, in which you will be discussing Rock'n'Roll, Psychadelia, and all the other fun stuff about music. You then discover that your lecturer is a hot 25 (give or take) year old english guy with a dreamy accent. You also discover that your class is full of friends from previous semesters, and all new ones. Doesn't that sound positively AWESOME?

How is it then.. considering this guys age, and the subject matter, that it is the most BORING class that anyone could possibly imagine? Oh! Here's how:
  • He's strict about talking in class, like in HIGHSCHOOL for shits sake.
  • He stands in the front of the class and speaks in a monotone for 4 hours.
  • His "visual aids" consist of black words on white background. Nothing else.
In his defence, he has played one or two musical examples, but they were about 10 seconds long, and I don't think he would've even bothered if it hadn't been a music class, and it was pretty much expected of him.

He really couldn't make it more boring if he sat down and thought about it for goodness' sake.

Hey! I just used bulletpoints in a journal entry. Am I cool or what?

I really wanna play Magic guys. Seriously, whenever someone reads this, come to my house, we'll play Magic. No foolin'.

Greg is having a BBQ on Sunday. That's exciting. I don't know why exactly, there've been barbecues before. But I'm excited about this one. Don't ask why. I've just explained. Also,Greg's house again. That's always fun. Greg's house is fun. Again, don't know why. Just dealin' the complements as they come.

It was Julieanne's birthday the other day. We went to Centennial Park and.. er.. Barbecued. But that was awesome too. New surroundings (though slightly awkward to get to), good friends, good food, and bogans. Booooggannns EVERYWHERE!

I have so many new friends in my news classes! In first semester, I had friends because they came to me and started talking. This semester, all the new first semesters are in, and I see them and take pity on them, and I'm the instigator of the friendship. I just love that. I used to be so shy. And now, I'm shouting random things in class, and making a fool of myself in front of new people, and I don't even care! Its FANTASTIC!

Point is, woot.

I miss people like Tom, and Greg, and Silvia and CHRIS though. It seems like ages since I've done anything with them.. but really it was last weekend. But yeah.. I want mah old friends back. You read this, you come to mah house bi-atches. You hear me? Or... read me? Yeah. So. Come here.... NOW!