Anyway, I'm here to write some more. Mostly out of boredom. Also to keep my mind busy. Which are, actually, two different things. They just sound the same. I should be looking at dead bodies right now. Should be. But somehow, I'm the only one who seems to see something wrong with making a special trip out to Homebush to look at dead bodies filled with silicon with class. Yeah, is there something weird about me? Or about them.
I swear, the enthusiasm with which some people were agreeing to go see these corpses is nothing short of ghoulish. I'm sure at least half must've just been nodding with ghastly grins on their faces just to be some sort of emo/goth/fearless cool in front of others. Not me. There is no force in heaven or earth that could make me spend my afternoon gazing thoughtfully at the living impaired.
And I refuse to get pulled into some kind of "well, you watch SVU" debate. I'm aware of the hypocrisy. But there's a line drawn in my mind, and I'm not going to let Cul101 throw up all over it.
Speaking of Cul101, I'm in dire need of a concept I can explore through use of images. But I'm stumped. And I *know* some pretty creative people read this blog.. on and off. I want some serious suggestions. Lest I die of assignmentlessness. Its a pandemic, I tells ya.
Dammit. I really *really* don't want to work on Saturday. *REALLY*. I even had a nightmare about it last night. A serious nightmare. Its been ages since I've had a real nightmare. When you start having nightmares about work, is it usually a sign that you're in the wrong line of work? I don't know. I think it might be. The demon babies will haunt me the rest of my days.
Thats a dirty lie. There weren't any demon babies.
So, my scheduled meeting with Maddie and Chris went well last night. In that, I had a vodka fanta, and we went to McDonalds. I don't think I can ever go to McDonalds again. The very sight of it is starting to turn my stomach. No, thats a dirty lie too. But we go there a lot. Like a *lot*. More than I think even *they'd* recommend. Also, we saw Pedrum. For all those who don't remember/know him, he went to school with us. He was in my music class for 2 years. Or 1 year. Or X years. But yeah, Chris'd never spoken to him in his life, and he ended up pedalling his music to him while we were in line. Maybe Chris should've been in my music class.
I'm thinking about starting singing lessons. I got good advice from a friend lately about my crippling boredom and self-esteem issues, which was to find something that I'd always wanted to do but discarded it, and to concentrate on it for a little while. I think that something might be singing lessons. I don't have high aspirations. I just want to be able to sing without screwing up every two seconds. I think this is something worth looking into.
Maybe then I can start my own epic-melodic-female-singer-metal-band. Yeah! Screw you Nightwish!
And wear pretty dresses ALL the time.
Yup, thinking aloud.. er.. typing.. er.. saying thoughts in cyber words now.
Man. I really need this theme for my visual portfolio. I just have no idea what to do. And its due in a week!! ONE WEEK! I'm so screwed. Naw, I can do it. Once I have an idea what to do it on, I'll be fine. Its just the idea mongering that's holding me back.
I think I'm gonna go research some singing teachers now. Auf Wiedersehen.
By research singing teachers, I mean do Homestar Runner Quizzes

Which Character Are You?
Well I can't ocme up with a concept...but I think you'd be great as a singer *remembers back to karaoke (kroke)* So if you have the time I'm sure it's be great fun. I'm having nightmares about working tonight...I got asked to babysit and after seeing When a Stranger Calls I've had two people mention it to me since...BASTARDS!!!!! So yeah, if you haven't seen it and your still a babysitter, then DON'T!!!!
Tim recommends not attempting anything such as this:
I did some pretty awesome stuff with toast once. Ask Tom. He'll tell you. I recommend you do the same. We can compare toast pictures. And that's not even an innuendo*!
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