Thursday, December 28, 2006
I'm back, suckas!
Blogger's gone crazy since I was last here. All their "we're now actually part of Google now, hope you don't mind!" business. Well, I do mind, thank you very much. I mean, I have nothing against Google. But I don't ever remember being asked if I wanted my blog to be part of the Google Empire. I mean, I have nothing against my blog being part of the Google Empire. But I just don't remember being ASKED.
So my blog tells me I haven't updated in like 3 months or something. And even then, I think it was an intensely emo Chris-update. So that doesn't really count.
In fact, last time I did a real update, I'd just got back from Perth, for the second time. That's ages ago! Tim's visited Sydney since then! And other important things as well. But that's probably the most important, I think we can all agree.
But yeah. Tim came. We did many interesting things. Some of them outside the bedroom! I kid.
None of them were outside the bedroom.
No really, we did many awesome things. We went to the Blue Mountains! It was foggy! Very, very, very foggy. Like, "Holy crap, it's too scary to drive anywhere" foggy. All day. Like, 2 in the afternoon. It was really weird. So, yeah, not a lot of sightseeing was done, unfortunately. 'Cept we saw the Three Sisters and junk on the first day when we arrived. So that was lucky. But yeah, then there was the nearly being suffocated in our room on the last night, which kind of spoiled the whole thing. But yeah, funny story.
We also went to Canberra for a day, which was nice. We saw Parliament House, which Tim has always wanted to see, Questacon which is mad fun, but I'm not sure he appreciated. And a cute lil picnic on some little grassy patch. Surrounded by like, 8 hours of driving. Wheee! Worth it? I think so.
I took him to see the Opera House up close, and to Pancakes on the Rocks, and... I'm sure we did other cool things too. I also worked a lot. Which was disappointing. But y'know.
Then when the time inevitably came, and he had to go home, Sarah was lovely enough to drive us to the airport, be my shoulder to cry on after he'd gone 'round that terrible corner, and then distracted me with copious amounts of booze, ice-cream, sugar and explosions. Nothing like putting a girl's heart back on track like a good explosion or two. Or twenty-eight thousand, in the case of Independance Day.
Also, I noticed or Sarah noticed, I can't remember, I was drunk, that Jayne from Firefly is totally in Independance Day. Woo, him.
It was also my birthday! So I had a party. That was really fun, considering I organised it about to days before. Lots of people came, considering. I was well pleased. And everyone was really lovely and gave me many beautiful and thoughtful presents! Including Harry Potter SceneIt! which I had been coveting since like, last Christmas. Apparently Silvia and Big Daddy had to call in favours to obtain it! I feel so very loved.
Also, 10 pairs of earrings.
Ok, so one of them was for Christmas. But still. Good thing I was in desperate need of earrings!
Also, I totally got a Christmas job at the Body Shop. That's pretty fun. I made fast friends with an awesome chick named Ness. And I mean fast friends. Everyone thought we'd been friends before we'd started working together, and were shocked when we told them that we weren't. Yes, we just get along THAT well.
She's pretty awesome. Her boyfriend is also part of the staff, which is pretty mad, coz he's awesome too.
Mmmm, Christmas was cool too. There was like, presents. And lots of food. And cousins who've like, shot up over night. Seriously, one of them was just absolutely stunning this year. She has these red curls. And I'm all "Oh man. I've always wanted red hair. And I've always wanted curls. I hate you." And then I decked her.
They don't invite me to their Christmas parties anymore.
What else, what else, what else...
I have a feeling I'm forgetting to blog about something big and important, so if it's something that I've forgotten about you, please don't get upset. I'm just a ditz, it's not that I don't love you.
Oh man. I haven't written anything in this entry for hours. It's time to cut my losses.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Clap your fucking hands
Now there's mousse in my hair. What does it do? We don't know. I might grow antlers.
I'm invading other people's spaces of late. Will it be you next? People are laughing at me. We should do this every day. Glamour is forever.
They're probably really disgustingly couply... You probably won't like those either. Why do people hate other people being happy? Maybe it's because they don't have tall ships on their chests. All they have are tugboats of hate. Pulling weighted emotions and bouyant rage.
What time do you have to present? You've got time... But time turns you into a skank, and now she just opens her legs to the guys next door.
Let all those fuckers be.
We're happy.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
This post has no name! Postmodern!
Now, I'm sure I'd get some kind of hate mail for that, if anyone cared enough about my opinion to do it. But really people, get the crap over to Perth, and you'll see what I mean.
Honestly, I thought maybe last time was a fluke, or biased or something. But this time, well. It really is awesome. The whole place is just so damn friendly, and clean, and GODDAAAAMN efficient. And they have Chicken Treat. CHICKEN TREAT! Its like Red Rooster only in McDonalds colours, and say... Hungry Jacks quality. Only its chicken. Its a chicken treat. Omgee, funniest name ever. Maddie and I laughed for a good long time.
My wonderful Tim was gentlemanly and lovely as always, and his family made us feel very welcome, staying in their home. (That was a clumsy sentence, but I don't know how to fix it. Grammar-nazis will just have to squirm). Maddie spent a good deal of time with her new/old friend Scott, of the James's old school friend fame. My enjoyment mostly consisted of hanging off Tim at every other moment. However, other activities included a trip to Perth zoo which, despite being smaller than Taronga (I would think?) was infinitely better, even with their lack of bears; a delectable Indian buffet lunch (Honestly, why hasn't the idea taken off here? Best idea ever? Yes!); having lunch and icecream and bubble tea with Tim's friends, who are all incredibly lovely people and playing Avernum 4 while poor Tim had to do uni work, and Maddie was out.
A good time was had by all! Mostly me.
In other news, the glorious Tim is coming to stay with me in Decemeber. The 7th of December to be exact. So you can all meet him then. Apart from you, Tim. I imagine you've already had an introduction.
Anyway, plans for the future include finally writing up a resume, getting a job, and not wasting my time as I have been for the last few months. Yep! Get on that, Jess!
And so, to celebrate my new "not wasting time" philosophy, here is the mobile phone meme shamelessly stolen from Tom. As he and Chris said, there aren't too many interesting answers to be had. Buuuut... yeah! Here's details about my phone you never wanted to know!
The phone quiz:
Grab your mobile & let's go!
01. What is the phone maker?
02. What's the last 4 digits of your mobile number?:
I don't know that it matters too much. But I'm too freaked out by Tom's lack of answer to oblige. Sorry.
03. What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?
"Shall I meet you at Hornsby station then? I don't know how long it takes.." etc. You get the drill.
04. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?:
Tis Maddie! Just like in Tom's! OMG! We can be TWINS!
05. Who's the last person you rang?
Tim, it would seem.
06. Who was your last missed call from?
My brother. I always seem to miss his calls. Apart from the ones I get. I don't miss those ones.
07. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?:
Directory Assistance. I don't have any Ds apart from Dad.
08. What does the last message in your inbox say?:
"Oh there shall be much talking. I'm going out for bubble tea apparently, but I'll be back later. Enjoy your game!" Tim was going out for bubble tea. I was playing D&D. I.. hope he doesn't mind the quoting of his smses. I'll edit the dirty ones. Har har.
09. Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J?:
A guy called Jasse. Woo him. You win a prize. I guess.
10. Go to your Sent Items - what does the 5th message say?:
"Says here you just sent that message! I hope that's inaccurate! You should be sleeping! We've just landed and I'm waiting for a million people to get off the plane..." etc etc. I'd just landed. From Perth. You should go there.
11. Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?:
Someone named Sharon O'Brian. I can't remember who she is. Only that she's affiliated with my being a freelance nanny.
12. What does ur Banner say?
By banner Tom guesses you mean "Welcome Note". And I don't have one. So there.
13. How many messages are currently in your inbox?:
102. I do so like these big ol' Motorolas.
14. What do you have as your background?
Some kind of epic woman with firey dragon being. Its called "Transitions" by Todd Lockwood. Its awesome.
15. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?:
I... don't have any Rs. Sadface!
16. Who do you have on speed dial 3?
I haven't assigned any speed dials on this phone yet. But on my old one, it was my brother, I believe.
17. If you're on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have?
I'm not! But I have like eighty something dollars of my cap credit left. Woooooo Caps!
18. Who's the first person who comes up under C?:
Chris the Rapping Englishman.
19. How many bars of signal do you have?
Three. I can't remember how many is full. Its either four or five. So three ain't bad.
20. What do you have as your main ringtone?
A punk cover of Phantom of the Opera! Totally not boring!
And that's that my loveses. I'm gonna go do.. some.. thing now. POssibly read some more. Who knows. Sigh!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Just for quicks..
Your results:
You are Derrial Book (Shepherd)
| Even though you are holy you have a mysterious past. You aren't married. Have you taken a vow of celibacy? ![]() |
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Running Alone - Angra
Ah! But in one exciting change, Jess's got herself a brand new phone! Its so very very cute. I'm fairly well in love with it. Blurry pixelated photos and mp3 ringtones for all! Oooo, how lovely! But yes, so I'm now with Three. So people who share this network with me, exepct many a random phone call. People who don't, expect to be cut off completely. Actually, thats a lie, seeing I can call you ludicrous amounts as well with my... TADAAA! $29 CAP!
Well, now you all have the details of my new mobile plan... moving on.
I went and saw Thank You for Smoking with the delicious Jen and palatable Tom the other night. It was fairly entertaining! But as Tom said, "See it on video". Which as far as I'm concerned is as much a social commentary on increasing movie ticket prices as anything else.
When my dad was growing up, movie tickets were TEN CENTS.
Point is, good movie. Shit house Katie Holmes.
Even that guy from The O.C. was cooler than her. Which isn't saying much really, coz he was pretty mad.
Yeah, when I started writing all that, I really was going to talk about the movie a bit more. I don't know what happened. But it certainly wasn't a movie review. And I'm not going to fix that. Sorry.
I also had Tom and Mitch to my house last night. Chris also made a brief appearance. Just like he's doing in this entry! Dad cooked a fairly delicious barbecue, which is infinitely better than pizza. But it absolutely destroyed the massive amounts of cleaning I'd done earlier that day. Yep, coz you barbecue inside now, right?
Oooh, thats what I was going to say. After the movie the other night, Tom, Jen and I went to Cafe Insomnia and had some.. um.. drinks of some description. Anyway, on the way back to the car, we were accosted by a pizza woman saying "I've just finished work, as if thats related, but here have these pizzas! Not poisoned, promise!" So we did that! We took them to a park near my house and ate them in the darkness. Beautiful. Turns out she wasn't even lying! They weren't poisoned! At least, the one slice I ate wasn't. Maybe Tom'n Jen're dead by now. Who knows.
Yep, so I'm all over the place this entry. I haven't written in a while, so its like I've forgotten how. Forgotten, I tells ya!
I really have to do things with Greg. I also have to do things with Alvin, so Tom'n I can give him his birthday present from a million years ago. Yep, thats a million birthdays to catch up on. But yeah, my point is.. I should get them together and kill two birds with one stone. Not that I consider social occasions with Greg and Alvin anything akin to killing birds. Though there is the inevitable screeching to be considered.
I miss you guys'sall.
Speaking of missing people, who wants to go to Perth with me?
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Is.. is that a real title? ... No.
Which is fortunate, really, since I ate them.
Truly, Perth is the most wonderful city this side of the fabled Atlantis. It agreed with me in a big way. Except when it didn't, but I punched its teeth in and made it see "my point of view".
Also, I met Tim. Best anyone ever. Ever, I say.
Sorry 'bout the lack of updates, but I haven't been able to think of anything much to say. I still can't, but the babysitting parents have disconnected the TV in fear of their children watching too much. Now all they have to fear is the babysitter walking out early in boredom. And the subsequent kidnapping, I suppose. Point is, it leads me to update, as the lesser of two evils. The other evil being sacrificing some nearby children to any deity that's listening, for some TV.
I only miss TV on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Honest. Coz there's nothing much to do here but watch TV. I miss House! And its formulaic but always (*cough*) suprising plots!
Wow! Macs have an F13, F14 AND an F15! I was pretty sure most keyboards stopped at F12. Mac, you crazy dawg. What do you need so many F keys for?
See, most people would make a comment here like "Oh wow, I really am bored." But I'll give my few readers more credit than that. You know I'm bored. But you also know I like to give random ideas or objects a great deal of thought they don't need. I'm like the English class you flunked! And so, back to in-depth keyboard analysis!
Parents = Melbourne.
Thats right, if at gun point I was asked to choose between the annihilation of Melbourne and the death of my parents, I would consider them equal.
No no, my parents are in Melbourne. Or, outside Melbourne. At some point between Melbourne and Sydney, I imagine. What I'm trying to say is that I'll probably have the house to myself for at least another day, perhaps night. We should boogie like its 1999. Or I can be at home alone all night in the dark and scary. You don't want that, do you? Didn't think so.
So yeah, public transport. In Westleigh. Shit. House. I've tried a few times to get a bus to Hornsby station lately, in order to get trains elsewhere. But after sometimes nearly an hour of waiting, its become apparent that random friends I know with cars are more likely to come past bus stops than actual buses. Each time I'm waiting for a bus that doesn't come, someone I know comes past and offers me a lift. Brilliant! But what does it say about Westleigh buses? Very little, actually, but it says enough.
Pick up your game, Shorelink! Or I'll buy a car!
Wait up, kids. I gotta go put their lights out.
Is anyone else at all horrified with the constant allusions to violence against these children? I think I need therapy. But really, I love these kids. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Especially not me, I'm a raving lunatic sometimes. Hee hee.
I hung out wid mah bro in Chatswood this afternoon. That was great, I haven't seen him in a while. And it was random too! None of this forcing him to come over or anything, he just plain offered. Good times, good boy.
Alright, alright, and my final rant tonight will be about... dun-du-DUUUN! Wing Commander. Games vs Movie.
Now, I'm fairly sure that no-one else is at all interested in WC, let alone my thoughts on the matter. So feel free to switch off now. But know that I'll hunt you down and slowly devour your stilll beating heart, in the true Kilrathi way, if I ever get proof that you did.
Point is, I grew up a Wing Commander fan. Wing Commander, for those interested is a series, 1-4 and a few spin-offs, of games that were mostly flight simulators. The last two games were meant to be next phase in gaming, something they coined, the 'interactive movie'. It starred people like John Rhys-Davies, Malcolm McDowell, Luke Skywalker, and that guy from the Back to the Future movies (an obscure one, not whats-siz-face). Anyway they were fabulous games. However, in 1999 Chris Roberts finally made the leap from 'interactive movie' to 'actual movie'. And all they could pull for THOSE were Whatsit Prinz Jnr, Saffron Burrows, that guy from Scooby Doo, and the guy who voiced Irenicus (10 pts if you understand that too.) Oh, and Poirot. I heart you Poirot! Anyhoo, in my opinion they completely fucked up a concept that gave me years of innocent pleasure as a child. Ok, so obliterating ships and introducing their occupants to the harsh 'realities' of space isn't entirely innocent. But it wasn't porn, and it wasn't drugs. Point is, they mixed and matched parts of the game to their liking, not only in terms of characters and story, but of the very universe as well. The Kilrathi, once a proud empire of catlike warriors are reduced to green, vaguely lizardman/vaguely feline blurs.
All in all, it was a shit movie. According to most people, WC-veterans and virgins alike. They could've made a lot more money by making a movie with as many of the game actors as they could pull (Hell, I'm sure Mark Hamill has nothing better than Star Wars conventions to do these days) and sticking to the concept universe we hardcores know and love. But no. Noooo, Wankers.
Anyway, sorry 'bout the ranting. It means a lot to me. My childhood, murdered. By groceries, just gone!
Adeiu, my loves! Adeiu! Forget-me-not!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Caught in a Web - Dream Theater
Yesterday I went shopping with Tom. OMG he's so dreamy, unfortunately for him, I got swept off my sandal-clad feet by someone over the hills and far away. But anyway the point seems to have exploded here. Tom can't shop to save himself. Like.. if he had to find the bomb shelter department.. or something. Yep figure that out.
But yes, we tried jasmine-tea icecream and he got pants. And there was much rejoicing.
I sat in on a class with Kathryn the other day. I discovered at this point, or possibly earlier, that my ex-lecturer is getting on a boat and just sailing away. I presumably know, but have not made it clear when this will be happening! I apparently admire this course of action! Woo! Things!
Kath and I met up with Tom and Mitch for lunch that day. We watched that magnificent geyser thing and completely ignored "Macfest". Mitch has been in england for quite a while (just like everyone else) and is still intensely friendly despite of it. Ooh burn england. Wait. What?
I'm thinking of going to Melbourne with m' pa to get a car. The actual story of which eludes me at this moment. But yes! Melbourne! I hear it's... city-like. Last time I spoke to Tom I told him I had not decided. Though this may have changed since.
Asute readers get a cookie.
PS. Hentai.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Jingle Bells - Trans-Siberian Orchestra
No, no. This'll be my second ever flight. SECOND. Yes, I'm aware I've gone on as many flights as decades I've lived, almost. Whats more, this'll be my first ever ALONE. I'm.. um. Kinda scared, really. Very scared actually. But don't you dare tell my parents. They might explode. And then I'll feel morally obliged to clean up their mess and like, plan a funeral or something, instead of going to Perth.
Speaking of.. planes. And parents exploding. My dad came home from a 6 week trek about Europe the other day. Obnoxious and hurtful as usual. I'd say more so really, coz he hasn't had to remember that other people have feelings for a little while now, so I guess he's out of practice. But in his usual style, he made an attempt at buying our love with many a gift from the continent. Which was not UNappreciated. I have gaudy jewellery from Paris, stylish/pretentious sketches from Salzburg and an HUNGARIAN SHAWL. Its friggin awesome. Apparently he wanted to get me the whole outfit/dress thing, which SHOCK HORROR, did sound lovely. But at this point he'd lost all his important cards and things, and was thus on a fairly limited budget.
Oh man. I love my brother. Best relationship EVER. I say this, because he just called, speicifcally to talk to me, not my dad, who's been overseas for six weeks. And we just talk CRAP at each other. And its SO funny. I have a few people who I'm really at my best with, and Chris is one of those people. So damn funny.
For example, one concept we've come up with is the 'marathon marathon'. I want a Firefly marathon. He was having an X-Files craving (completely unlike him) and wants a marathon of that, and he, his friend (his name momentarily escapes me) and I already have plan for yet another Star Wars marathon. So really, we couldn't be more geeky. Or, y'know. Tired. But yeah! Marathon marathon. Its something we should look into.
So! Sydney uni after exams celebrations! They were exciting. A hearty pub lunch at the Lansdowne Hotel, which is always nice. Surrounded by people I haven't seen in a good long time, and indeed, people I've never laid eyes on in my life. Such as one 'Matt' who threw himself at me after I hugged Greg. Weird kid! But, I like it. Also, romantic, slow dancing on Broadway with Emma, in the rain! Who can go wrong?! Surely not I!
But yes, this was followed by karaoke! Which is ALWAYS fun. Particularly when with an enjoyable group! Which, I do believe I was. So yes, much fun. I do love me a bit of karaoke. But yeah, don't over do it. Anyway, I had to leave 'relatively' early to be back at home in time for a clarinet lesson. Which yeah, he cancelled an HOUR before because his brother was over from 'Saudi'. See, I don't know. That doesn't seem like the sort of thing that is a last minute plan. He couldn't have called yesterday? So I could hang wit mah bros in the city s'more? No? No. Goddamn.
Also, work wasn't entirely as bad as I'd expected it to be. I had planned to go with the intention of being a complete moody bitch to these people who I'm.. having issues with. But when they don't know you're pissed off at them, I just couldn't be a bitch for no reason. So I was NICE. What the hell is that. "I'll show them.. with SMILES!"
Kathryn's, on Saturday night. Thats always fun. Made less fun by stupid buses and trains, but aside from travelling, much fun was had. Bonding, alcohol, and frikkin brilliant pizza. You can't really go wrong.
Until you realise its 3am and you've got to stumble home on the train.
The train which isn't working. So you need to wait half an hour in the cold for a bus.
A bus full of crazies.
If ever again I hear what could only be described as 'the queen of all bimbos' proclaim loudly that "I can't STAND stupid people!" ... I will not be held responsible for any beatings, maimings, or explosions that may occur.
But yes. Good time had by all. "Wimbledon" is a good movie to watch if you're slightly drunk and feel in need of a laugh. I should point out though, its not really a comedy. But really, what else could it be?
Oh man. I guess I should think about what I'm going to take away with me. And y'know, maybe do some washing. Or something. I don't know. I don't want to plan! I just want to DO! Is that so bad! I need a servant. Possibly an Aerial Servant. Man, worst BG spell ever. "By servant we mean.. yeah, its gonna attack things. Just like everything else."
Chris is coming home on Tuesday! Possibly to drive me to the airport at a ridiculous hour the following morning! Hooray! I sense indian food, somehow. Possibly through Knowledge (Indian). Or something. Man, can you tell I'm craving a nerd hit?
Holy crap. I rediscovered the delights of playing my Nymph, experiencing non-woodland things for the first time, as a character the other day. She is my very favourite. I do so love her. But yeah, 'nuff said.
But yeah, no nerding in Perth, I imagine. Or, alternatively, infinitely more. Who can say?! So I need as many hits now, to tide me over. Make with the plans, Tom.
You can roll my d20, baby.
Oh god. That didn't even make sense. Let your imaginations run wild. WILD!
Hentai! Tom says I talk about it with everyone. I hadn't noticed, myself. I think its absolute rubbish. Hentai, I mean, not what Tom said. But yeah, no porn isn't creepy enough yet, lets ANIMATE IT and make these poor animated souls do disgusting and sometimes completely impossible things. Yes? Yes? No.
Anime is a strange thing. I'm quite fond of the anime STYLE of drawing, with the willowy figures and the hair going everywhere, and all that. Not so much its style of story-telling in most cases, I can't really get into it. But yes, WHY corrupt such a elaborate and graceful style of art, by making hardcore porn out of it? WHY?! You don't see... hardcore comtemporary art porn. Or hardcore impressionism porn. Ok, so the anime style, isn't quite so 'high culture' as all that. But I enjoy it a lot more, in most cases. So WHY break it? Sigh.
But really, purple hair? What were they thinking.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Lonesome - Unwritten Law
Oh. I thought this was great. Stolen shamelessly from Alvin's blog. ... Who I've not linked to actually. I'll get on that. Like tomorrow or something. But in the meantime, here are some things. Some, only the really bad ones, particularly ones that involve someone else, may be falsified. Apparently what ye do is boldify the ones that you've done. Or some such. Now, if I could just remember how to boldify.
* I miss somebody right now.
* I watch more tv than I used to.
* I love olives.
* I love sleeping.
* I own lots of books.
* I wear glasses or contact lenses.
* I love to play video games.
* I've tried marijuana.
* I've watched porn movies.
* I have been in a threesome.
* I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
* I believe honesty is the best policy.
* I have acne free skin.
* I like and respect micheal jackson.
* I curse frequently.
* I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
* I have a hobby.
* I've been told I have a nice butt.
* I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
* I've never broken anyone else's bones.
* I shave my armpits
* I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
* I love rain.
* I'm paranoid at times.
* I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
* I need money right now.
* I love sushi.
* I talk really, really fast sometimes.
* I have fresh breath when i wake up.
* I have semi-long hair.
* I have lost money at a casino.
* I have at least one brother and/or sister.
* I was born in a country outside Australia.
* I shave my legs.
* I have a twin.
* I wear boxers.
* I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
* I like the way I look.
* I have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months. (Probably a lil white 'un)
* I know how to do cornrows.
* I am usually pessimistic.
* I have mood swings.
* I think prostitution should be legalized.
* I think Britney Spears is pretty/hot.
* I have cheated on a significant other.
* I have a hidden talent.
* I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. (Perhaps not ALWAYS. But pretty often.)
* I think that I'm popular.
* I have kissed someone of the same sex.
* I have kissed someone of the opposite sex.
* I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
* I love to shop.
* I would rather shop than eat.
* I would classify myself as ghetto.
* I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
* I'm obsessed with my blog!
* I don't hate anyone.
* I'm a pretty good dancer.
* I don't think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington…
* I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
* I have a mobile phone.
* I watch MTV on a daily basis.
* I have been caught by the police doing something illegal.
* I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
* I have been to the beach at night.
* I have never been in a real relationship before.
* I've rejected someone before.
* I currently have a crush on someone.
* I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
* I want to have children in the future.
* I have changed a diaper before.
* I've had the cops called on me before.
* I bite my nails. (WOOOOO!!!)
* I'm not allergic to anything deadly.
* I have seen someone else's buttocks.
* I have gone skinny dipping before.
* I have had a crush on a teacher.
* I love my shoes.
* I have touched someone else's privates.
* People think I'm weird.
* I have seen a solar/lunar eclipse.
* I have lived at a friend's house.
* I have more that 3 email accounts.
* I love icecream.
* I am fashionable.
* I have never swore.
* I have fruit on a daily basis.
* I sleep nude occasionally.
* I share secrets with a member of the opposite sex as a friend.
* I share secrets with a member of the same sex as a friend.
* I listen to classical music.
* I hate these quizzy things.
* I have a stamp collection.
* I have met my best friend for 5 or more years.
* I own a pool.
* I talk to myself sometimes.
* I have never played Monopoly.
* I liked this year's birthday presents. (If you haven't yet have your bday, then last year's presents)
* I really enjoy talking and sharing with good friends.
That was fun. I've done a lotta things it would seem. Some were neither here nor there. So I might've lied on a couple. You know how it is.
Huh. No this is taking too long to get out a couple words. I'll just leave it at this. Real entry coming soon.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The Dark Night of the Soul - Loreena McKennitt
So! Things, eh? Thats what your here for, you say? Bollocks to you!
Man, what a boring night. I am without speakers, till I can get some cabley things to hook the compy up to my stereo. I MISS HITTING NEXT! Over and over and over again! Until I find something I feel like listening to. Theres only so many tracks on a CD. Ohhh, I miss you computer music!
When some people talk on MSN, suddenly everyone is talking. But no! When theres relatively few people online, NOOOO-ONE wants to talk. Screw you all. 'Cept maybe Chris and Tom. Who talk to me despite being in England, and a pending exam.
Oh. For those who're just ACHING for details on my holiday, its finally finalised. Yup, try saying that 5 times fast. Anyway, I'm going to Perth on the 5th o' July. To see the wonderful Tim, and also, the wonderful.. y'know. Perth. That isn't Sydney. Or bloody Canberra. But yes! Miss me! I command you!
If anyone happens to have been there and have any suggestions for things I should see or do there, they'll be appreciated and discarded. Thank you. No, wait. Really, I'm open to suggestions.
Uni friend, Kathy's party was fairly awesome the other night. Despite being down a very long road, made only longer by the fact that Tom and I started off in the wrong direction. And despite it being on top of another cafe/restaurant that you actually had to walk THROUGH to get to the one we were looking for. Resulting in being lost for.. what.. the third time that night?
But yes. It was all made up for by the wonderful company, the nice squishy atmosphere, oh and the bar tab that exceeded $700. Yes, that helped too. I wasn't even too perturbed by the masses of pretentious wankers that seemed to crawl from underneath the very sofas.
Ooo, man. My brothers Master's recital is on Friday. OH EM GEE. I'm so scared for him. But I'd never tell him that. It'd freak him right out. He's probably in a good place right now. All he needs is me to come up to him going "OMG, r u ok?! I'm lyk so scared for u! You'll be ok!!1one!"
Coz I speak l33t in everyday conversation now. Right?
You know it.
But yes! So scared for him! His very own lil hour'n a half recital. I'd invite you all.. but I think you'd ruin it. Hee. But yes, flowers, chocolates, and congratulatory money can be sent here. I'll be glad to pass them on.
Sarah's Birthday Today! (They all required capitals)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH! Oh Em Gee, mah little baby is 19! I remember when you were like.. 9. Or something. When we met. That was awesome. That girl is such a fabulous babe. Despite dogging me on Strassman. But I can deal with that, coz she does so many other fantastic things. Happy birthday, baby! You rock!
Hmm. What can I rant at now.
Right. Soccer. Thats the cool thing to do, right? I assume we all got 3-1 tattooed on our foreheads after the other night? No? Just me? Shit. Anyway, I'd particularly like to mention one person I know who bet $2000 on the game. On Japan. Yeah, thats a fairly good advertisement for not gambling. I mean, sure you woulda made some money if they'd won. But, dude. They DIDN'T. That puts you out a lot of money. Two thousand dollars, approximately. Anyway, just sayin'. Don't gamble kiddies. Its bad for your mental health. And like... pockets.
Do you ever try and put your hands in pockets that aren't there?
No? Just me? Shit.
Oh man. I'm looking forward to Perth like nothing else. You have no idea.
Just sayin'.
Friday, June 02, 2006
I Have Not Been to Paradise - Zoe Poledouris
Time spending with Sarah tonight! Thats exciting! Long time since I've seen her, apart from like.. last weekend. When I went to Jen's birthday thing. Which was good fun as well. But yes, a nice night at home, watching movies, in the warm, with pizza, and the possibility of tipsiness. Alas, but one thing missing. Is 'tipsiness' a word? Does it have an 'i' or a 'y', in the case that it exists. Perhaps I'm drunk already.
X-Men 3!! Someone come see it with me! I can't go another second without seeing it! But, I'll have to, so.. someone come see it with me like.. tomorrow. Yes? Yes? No..
Oh, Cespenar. What would I do without you?
I've been so happy for the last... I don't even know. It was drawn to my attention when I went to Mitch's church the other night, and saw an old school friend I haven't seen since well.. school (Kate Belling for those it means anything to). And one of the first things she said to me was "You look so happy!" I realised that I was! Life is good. Life. Is. Good.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Blood Red Sandman - Lordi
When metal wins Eurovision, you know its a good sign.
Speaking of.. good signs. Yeah, that'll work. I went and saw the Da Vinci Code last night, finally. I've been looking forward to it for a long time. And frankly, I was ever so slightly disappointed. BUT, thats not to say don't go see it. It was still very exciting and clarified many a bit in the book that I couldn't quite visualise. But yeah, the book was so much more exciting. And they glossed over bits entirely. BUT, they're paying me to say go see it, SO, go forth ye masses, and see this great work of..
I got nothing.
Awww, last Visual Culture lesson today. Exam next week. Drinks with the lecturer the week after. But its sad that its over. It was one the best subjects ever. Well, right along side all the others that Aaron taught. Honestly, best lecturer ever. But yeah,I felt ever so slightly embarassed to not have even started my essay yet, that was "due" today. But then everyone else arrived and no-one else really had either. *sigh*, yup. We're the best class ever.
Also, I'd like to note that I'm blogging to fill up the space that would usually be taken up by reading other peoples blogs. But it seems theres some kind of drought happening lately. And its bugging me no end! I need anecdotes people!!
So, not really that much closer to my holiday. Got the go ahead from mum, so I can borrow some money from the olds. But I gotta figure me out some details. You know, like.. where'n when. They'd be good.
I think this is all I can think of at this point. I'll go do something else.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
The Queen and the Soldier - Suzanne Vega
Work this morning. Fun as ever, I simply love screaming children. Actually, that.. sarcasm.. is a lie. I love the children. And they weren't even screaming much today. It was the 7:30 start that really threw me. Also, the fact that, until 7:30 this morning I had NO idea what the day would be like. How long I was going to work, who I was working with, what children would be around. It was very stressful. I was expecting to be stuck with strangers. Which is, at the least, awkward. You can't get anything done feeling awkward all day.
But work is over now. And it wasn't nearly as bad as it could've been. I worked with a nice girl I've worked with before. However I did glean some information that makes me really never want to work at this house ever EVER again. But I must continue until.. the end of the year or something. Oh it hurts. It hurts right HERE.
No wait. Thats my cat.
Went to Sutekh last night. That was... every bit as boring as I remember it. Surrounded by games like "Puerto Rico" and "Settlers" which are.. both.. REALLY boring. Played one single game of Magic. Which was good and bad. Bad, in that I hauled those FOUR FRIGGIN DECKS in my bag all night for nothing. Met a couple of cool people though. In particular Min Ju's brother who's name I can't remember. But.. he was hilarious. For.. someone related to Min-Ju.
But yes. Saw a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages again. In particular Silvia, Greg, Amanda and.. uhh.. linebacker. Linebacker in particular was awesome. He/She is totally crushing.
The night was wonderfully topped off with a call from Tim the toolman. Wait, was that his name? He sounds nothing like I expected he would. Do you? Anyway, I'm sure that was expensive. But it alleviated the boredom like nothing else. Oh, and I got lost on Sydney Uni campus during that phone call. That was weird. But you know, not too lost. I'm not dead!
Greg ga'me a lift home. Which was also awesome. Meant I got home quicker than I would have had I caught the train with EVERYONE else. And into bed quicker for a long nights sleep before work the next day. Or would've, had we not stopped at Maccas on the way. It was my own fault. He said he could go after he dropped me. But I didn't have pizza like all you Sutekh people! I... gave in to evil instead.
I need my P's. I need them like I need air and food and metal. My dad has left now (oh, yeah. Shoulda mentioned that) and it dawned on me that.. my mum and I could have a CAR EACH if I had my P's right now. Do you have ANY idea how convenient that would be? I wouldn't have to bum a lift from people to get down the ROAD to James tonight. SIGH! I should just.. drive.. anyway.
Oh Em Gee. Nightwish filmclip IN MY EXAM. In a couple weeks. Y'know? I think I could probly stand to study that. Just sayin'. Just sayin' like a bitch. So now, not only do I only have ONE exam this semester, NIGHTWISH are a large part of that semester.
Y'know. This might just be the best semester ever.
I need suggestions. I need to get my lecturer a present for the end of semester. Coz I am seriously going to miss him. So bad. But I don't know what to get him without it being weird. So, y'know, no strippers or anything.
Pfft, we'd probly have to study them. Visual culture, y'know. Random hentai a few weeks ago, y'know. You fill in the not so gaping gaps.
And make with the comments people!! Honestly, you call yourself cyber-friends? 'Cept Tim. He was a "gentleman" and commented. But the rest of you can burn in hell. Or.. like.. go live in the Big Brother house.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Perpetual Dawn - The Orb
I'm gonna blog now. Is that cool with y'all? I thought it might be.
Coz if it isn't... *shakes fist*
Anyway. Mothers Day? How was that for y'all? Mmm? Mmm! Yes? No, shut up. Not being a mother, it was pretty average for me. I think its time I became a mother. And reaped the benefits. You know, average chocolates. Breadmakers. Tiny posters made from baby feet being wiped with paint and smeared on paper. Yeah, they're keepers.
I should make some of them for my mum. But I've got this theory. Lemme know if its crackpot. But yeah, it wouldn't have the same effect with a 20 year olds paint smeared feet. "Yup. Thats a keeper." I can hear her say.
So. Oh, Greg's party? Yeah, that was pretty good. Lots of fun actually, if I remember correctly. Its just been a while, so the fun feeling has worn off, y'know? But in other news, Alvin is an absolute champagne. Wait... that should read champion. But yeah, he's awesome. I think we should do things more often. However, that is hindered by the fact that he DOESN'T INVITE ME PLACES!!
Its time to get over that. I know.
But yeah. Took AGES to get there. Two hours or something to be... inaccurate. We got lost. By that I mean Emma said "I have to go to "a place that is in entirely the wrong direction" and then I know how to get there." To which I replied, "Wait. Isn't that in the wrong direction?" But got her there in any case. To find she had actually meant a place that was ONE suburb on from where that conversation took place.
Also, why don't girls.. i mean.. guys... fight over doing me in my comment box? I'd link to whatever I mean. But I can't be screwed. Also, Tim would just *love* that. So move your little mouse pointer over to the bit that says "Tim's Hilarious" and click the left button. You can do it.
That was a lot harder than linking.
So yeah, the... point. From about a million years ago, was that Greg is now 21. Interesting bit of trivia, he REMEMBERS his mum's 21st. She had been married for three years at that point. So I assume he was 2 or 3. I'm surprised no-one mentioned that actually.
Dear lord, I'm doughy. I was about to say, in all seriousness, "I'm going to have my first kid when I'm 18.." for some reason that made sense only in my mind. But then, I realised that.. holy shit. Its too late.
In an unrelated story, is anyone, specifically virile males, looking for a single night of heated passion?
In another unrelated story, Adelaide listeners to a particular radio station had the chance to win Pete Helliar for a day, recently. Pfft. I know what I'd do with Pete Helliar for a day. Giggidy-giggidy. But jeez. Some bogan with six kids wins him. Makes him buy Milo and crap. Pfft, what is that.
Haha, I re-read that paragraph and read "Some bogan had six kids with him." Now, thats more along my reasoning.
*sigh* Finally, everybody's left me alone so I can blog. Haha. WHAT?
I'm no closer to my final holiday plan. In fact, apparently I'm further away, what with my mum now making holiday plans. Mmm, so you know, binary opposite of what I wanted, and what I wanted to achieve. However, much cheaper. You know. COMPLETELY FREE. Yeah, that makes it sound a lot nicer.
Speaking of.. lots of money.. you know. Whatever. My church burned down the other day. For those who heard of it, yes, it was the old lovely one on Broadway. Which is an absolute tragedy. But alas, it cannot be undone. But honestly even if you are a church-hating pyro, surely you could be brought back to earth by the fact that this building was 150 years old. What I mean is, if you HAD to pick a church to overcompensate for your small penis on, couldn't you choose a newer, cheaper one? Coz.. DAYAM. Honestly.
I just found out its the church where Arthur Stace found the inspiration to start writing 'Eternity' all over the place. Thats interesting. I hadn't heard that one.
Bob: "Hi, I'm Bob, and I overcompensate for my small penis by setting churches on fire."
Group: "Hello Bob!"
Man, its an AA joke a day lately. Whats that about.
Oh man. I'm bored now. Might be time to bring this particular entry to an end. Alas.
I feel like theres something I've forgotten to mention. Oh. No, thats not interesting.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Phantom of the Opera - Nightwish
Morning viewers.
I'm posting because people are taking ages to reply in IM conversations. Not altogether the most noble, nor indeed, even sense conducive way to write. But you know, whatever keeps the readers coming back.
Speaking of readers not coming back, why no input when I asked for it? Now I can't use the input of randoms to decide where to take a holiday. The BEST way to take a holiday. Sigh. Supa-sigh. Now I'll have to decide for my damn self. Also,
Oh man. Julieanne's gonna flame me for that one.
Speaking of.. of.. flames.. no. I really can't link that to anything. Time for something else entirely.
Also, random propositioning by a slightly sozzled german/russian, looking down my shirt on the train home. Woo? Or... ew? I'm not sure. But I didn't take him up on it, so I had *some* sense.. or.. ew. He was hot though. Just as long as we make that clear.
It was my dads birthday dinner the other night. That was nice, coz I got to see my brother again, and also, I haven't had indian food in ages. AGES. Yum. Its brothers birthday dinner next week, and I think its off to Leichardt somewhere I believe.
I had to say goodbye to a friend today. It was very sad. And pretty pathetic, coz it was via sms unfortunately. But it couldn't be helped. Perhaps if desperation allows I might force myself to make contact one last time before he leaves forever and ever. Its so sad. We only got close once he was about to leave. I wish it weren't, but alas. Life must go on.
Also in the friend arena, I had my first real-time contact with WA Tim a few days ago, and a smattering of mini-convos since. Thats nice, innit. Some of you may recognise him as the leaver of lewd comments on my journal, hilarious ones on Toms, or indeed perhaps, his link on the side over there. But yeah, until recently this was the only contact *I'd* had with him either. But NO MORE! Woo. He's hilarious.
I think I'll leave this entry here. People are waiting for *me* to reply now, and are probably writing little blog entries of their own. I have an essay due on Tuesday. So I'll probably post again before then. Bwahaha. Night.
You Should Learn Swedish |
![]() Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general. Peaceful, beautiful |
Your World View |
You are a cautious type, neutral, and rather insecure. You would agree with the idea that everybody has his price... And in your own case it would not be high. You are ruled by an inferiority complex and not easy to assess. How do you present yourself to the world? An idealist, a moralist, a conformist keeping up with the Joneses? |
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to good manners and elegance. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
You Were a Little Naughty This Year! |
![]() While you're not likely to greet Santa with sucker punch... He's still not too jolly about coming to your house. You might get a small token from Mr. Claus Like some detox pills for your liver. |
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Deceiver of Fools - Within Temptation
Anyway, point is. Nothing to report.
Blog over.
No, I'm lying. Theres plenty to report. Even if there wasn't you know I'd fill it up with junk anyway. Junk like this and also this. Wooo! Being bizarre is awesome.
Bizarre. Yes. "Roooaadtrip!!" I cried. Unfortunately there wasn't anyone in the room, or even the house, so I proceeded to type it into an instant messenger window. From this casual brain explosion, came forth the idea, covered in grey matter I might add, that we should go to Wisemans Ferry. Apparently its creeeeepy at night. And creepy it was. In an ass-raping kind of way, and less the "I vant to suck your blooood" kind of way. Which was what I was really hoping for.
I dunno, is ass-raping hyphenated?
There was strip scissors-paper-rock involved. Mostly on Maddie and Chris's part. By which I mean, entirely. Many were the laughs when Chris, according to Rosencrantz's Law, proceeded to lose something like 6 times in a row.
Did I mention he was driving?
Atrocity. Honestly. Not the blog, poopcraps.
Yeah, no. I'm having a real feeling for links today. Don't ask me why. Maybe I remembered how to do'm in my sleep? Or, perhaps, many things need a'linking today. Yes, that'd be it. I'd love to link to TOMS NEW JOURNAL. But unfortunately, it doesn't EXIST YET.
Easter came and went. Much chocolate to be had by all. What was more important though, was the holidays. Not so much coz I didn't have to go to uni, coz thats basically everyday. But because, neither did anyone else. Which means slightly more socialising, and also, and far FAR more importantly, the buses weren't packed. W00t, my friends. W00t, hardcore.
Ok mah bitches. Its time for some input. I'm going on a holiday. By myself. All by me onesies. But I don't know where to go. Pretty much anywhere in Australia, except for Melbourne, which is overrated. And.. I dunno. Darwin. I want some input, and I want some reasons. The first, second and ever after to say "so and so, coz its cool." WILL be shot. That includes people who do it to bug me now I've said I don't want it. I'm lookin' at you Greg.
Anyway, I'm thinking maybe Brisbane, but apparently the people there are ridiculously attractive, and the whole damn city is bad for the self-esteem. But I don't know. Perth I may be going to later in the year. I don't know. My parents are crapsticks when it comes to organising. But my main point is, unless someone *really* wants to come with me, I'll be going alone. Out in the wide world. Scary huh? When you hear about that suspected terrorist hit, you know it'll be me.
Yeah I don't even know what that was meant to mean.
I'm at home alone again. I need a car. And a friend. Possibly a friends car.
So words we've learned today:
- poopcraps
- crapsticks
- uhh.... linebacker
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Brand new inter-quiz that just can't be beat!
- Pineapple (T/F)?
- Your opinion on emos?
- And the word "emos"?
- How many emos does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- Why are we picking on emos?
- Favorite Magic card (If you don't like Magic, make something up)?
- Favorite US county and why?
- If you were to design a new emoticon, wat would it be?
- If you were to design an internet quiz, what would your next question be?
- Wordy, word?
- Was it as good for you as it was for me?
- Who do you think will do this quiz?
- Are you a start menu at the top or start menu at the bottom type of person?
- What is you favorite Trap door character?
- So what music player do you use?
- Yes?
- At what point of the nursery rhyme "Over the Hills and Far Away" (the one about ducks) do you get fed up?
- Who do you think wrote this question?
- Provide a paragraph describing the ugliest thing you can see.
- What time is it according to the clock that is least accurate in your current location?
- What other websites do you have open (do not censor)? If you don't have any others open, what was the last site you visited?
- Vegemite or Monkey Paste?
- Boom or Bust?
- Stop or Reset?
- Inclusive or Exclusive?
- Bicubic Interpolation or Cygwin Ports?
- Can you believe its not butter?
- Are you trapped?
- Do you need assistance?
- Google or Yahoooooooo!?
- Who is your favourite Teen Girl (of the Teen Girl Squad)?
- Did you just Google the last question? Coz I think you did.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Daylight Dancer - Lacuna Coil
Its the first day of "Easter" "Holidays". By which SIBT means, Don't worry about going to uni on Thursday, study for the exam on Tuesday instead. BUT. By going to uni on Tuesday, for an exam, I score myself another week off the following week, because of Anzacs. Boy. I love Anzacs. I hope any Anzacs with skin cancer feel redeemed.
My friggin bag broke in the middle of the city the other day. Daaaay-AM. It was in the interval of a 3 1/2 hour concert though, so I didn't feel the sting too badly. Oh, and my mum had forceps. I love nurses. I held my bag together like so much umbilical cord. Which you don't really hold together.. you know. But the point was, go mums.
But now I need a new bag. And that makes me cry. This may have been the best damn bag I ever had. Conveniently small, but large enough to hold my myriad thingamabobs. And so many pockets. Now I'll have to work out new places for everything to go. Oh my. I'm not sure I'm ready to move on yet. 'Cept I need a new bag. Way to force my hand, reality.
I guess I could keep it forcep-ed. Its worked out so far.
I don't know if I'm spelling forcep correctly. But you know what? I don't care. Its not something I'll EVER depend on spelling right.
Oh man. Anonymous Friend made me so angry today. And I can bitch all I like, coz he probly won't read this. If you happen to be, can you see the ironic statement I'm making about you? Does it make you angry? Does it make you cry? Damn, he just pissed me off so bad. He better apologise or I'm so gonna slap him upside the head. When he does, I'll apologise for anything I say here. Coz.. you know what I'm like when I get angry. Will... not... make... The Hulk... joke...
I can't wait for all the uni people to start holidays. I'm really expecting some social action, y'hear? I've been missing the constant company of you guys for ages now. The weekends just aren't cutting it when all but Tom and Em bail. Not that I don't have an awesome time with them. Y'know. Going to McDonalds.
Ooo, possible Karaoke on Thursday. Wait.. thats tomorrow. Well.. that looks unlikely now doesn't it. Aw, peas.
I had the BEST intentions to start studying for the music exam on Tuesday. Honestly, the bets. But you know how days work out. There's just too much NOTHING to be done. So, all of a sudden, your days gone, you have to go sit on some children, and the days wasted. And bag shopping tomorrow. Awwwwwww peas!
I'm gonna buy me a coat. A real nice one. From THE COAT MAN. Random as anything. But its really nice. And the real clincher is, its down from $255 to $99. Wowzers. I mean.. I guess. Its very long. I'll have to show some people first. See what they think. I tried to link here, but its not being helpful with its linking. So... no links for y'all. Sorry!
Aw man. I can't think of anything else to say. The sun is gone now. Which is nice. I can see its horrible burning outline through the trees overlooking the valley. Beautiful. And yet, blinding. Blinding in its beauty. Ouch. Best pain ever.
When I go blind, I want you all to know, it was a good cause.
"It doesn't think. It doesn't feel.
It doesn't laugh or cry.
All it does from dusk till dawn
Is make the soldiers die."
- Onean Children's Rhyme
Some of that just popped to mind and I had to find the rest. Ha, I love that one. ONE whole dollar to the cyber-person who figures out where its from.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Nothing says denial like a blog
I have been listening to the same songs over and over and over again on my playlist today. Finally I gave in and just made a smaller playlist so it would keep playing those songs. But it's getting SO boring now. I'm so sick of all my music. Aw, bitch bitch bitch.
Speaking of stupid music and wasting technology, my dad went out and bought himself an mp3 player yesterday. Dear lord. Thats like giving a monkey a shotgun. In that he'll get fed up trying to figure out how it works and throw it to the ground in a fit of rage. Ending in tragedy.
I have found the ultimate artist. Music artist that is. The ultimate music guy. And its not Nightwish. Its not System of a Down. Its not even The Offspring. Its this guy:
Omg. *Metal* Opera? I hadn't even dreamed the term. I love it. LOVE IT. I really need to get an album. I don't know where I'll do that though. I looked up the Utopia site as well as the JB Hi-Fi site, and JB had MORE albums than Utopia. What the *crap* is that about? Isn't that just kinda putting Utopia out of business? Not that I mind, it was so hard getting into the city for decent metal. Now I just go to Hornsby. That makes me so happy, you have no idea. So happy, and so broke. Guh-ull-ull.
I don't know where I'm going to get this last image. Looking back at previous posts, I'm really tempted to steal one of Tim's toast piccys. Just coz my lecturer would crack up. I don't know what it says about Life though. "Life" with a capital 'L'.
Babies tonight. What a surprise. I don't think I'm going to have children for a very very long time. Oohh! There's some blogging for you. I'll tell you aaaaalll about last Saturday.
Remember I was bitching about not wanting to work the coming Saturday? Well, turns out it was the best damn shift (can I use that term here? I don't know) that I've EVER had. Without either parent there, just a chick my own age, the atmosphere was SO relaxed, we didn't run around trying to do household chores that aren't meant to be part of the job anyway. We just sat around looked after the babies, played with them, and talked, mostly about what a raw deal this other chick was getting. (She works there full time y'see. She's an au pair. Means she lives there. O. M. G. I couldn't do it) It was fantastic. Best shift ever. If I had my choice, I'd always work with her. She's getting such a bad deal, I even gave her my number so she could call me anytime and fume and bitch about this woman. I feel so sorry for her.
I'm really getting into Lacuna Coil lately. I've known about em for ages. But I never really *tried* to get into em. I never downloaded anything or anything. But I'm really into em now. Yay! New music left right and centre. Its making me very happy.
Went to meet Tom and Em for dinner on Mondee night. That was fun, as always. Its weird coming into Macquarie at night. Not unpleasant though. 'Cept that everythings closed wen we get there. So, we end up spending about an hour there. Which seems like I'm not getting value for money there. But its still well fun to see 'em every so often. Coz it seems like its getting rarer since uni started again.
Also, I'm getting closer to Maddie again. I didn't have much to do with her for.. ages there. But Now I'm talking to her on the net again, and visiting her over the back fence a lot. Its nice. I love Maddie. Possibly more than Chris. OOoooOoOoOooo.. I'm hardcore. Chris is working too much. Too too much. Far too much. He should lighten up, and only work ONE job.
Aw man. I have to be at work in THREE hours. And I'm still no closer to my final image. And I guess I better start writing mah little synopses (??) and all. And get em figured out on a page so I can take em to get printed. And aw crap. I forgot to go photocopy some. That shits me. I guess I'll have to do that in the morning. I hate uni. Terrible load that it is HAR HAR HAR.
Ooo, Easter break next week! Roflcopter.
Dear lord, I hate that... word? No. Thing. I hate that thing.
Memes ahoy
What do you think of me, WMA?
Trapt - Headstrong
So.. either that I'm.. er.. "trapt". Or that I'm a headstrong and stubborn etc individual. Or both. Perhaps, I'm "trapt" by my own headstrong-ness? Well, w00t to you WMA.
Will I have a happy life?
Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where the Wild Roses Grow
.. I'm gonna take that as an affirmative I think. Sounds idyllic at least. Unless the roses are some kind of genetic mutation that causes death to all that look upon them. ..D'you think thats it?
What do my friends really think of me?
Franz Ferdinand - This Fire
Heh. Cool. That I'm feisty? That I'm some kind of innuendo to sex? Well, thats true. Or that I'm boring and I shouldn't have ever been downloaded?
Do people secretly lust after me?
Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt
(So we all know, "My heart burns") I think that pretty much says it all. SOMEBODY's heart burns with a fiery passion. Now.. just to find out who. I'll start with the burns ward.
How can I make myself happy?
Nightwish - Away
Go away? WMA, do you really hate me so much? Oh, I see what you're saying. Right.
What should I do with my life?
Rhapsody - Guardians of Destiny (English Version)
Um.. What? I should.. guard destiny then?
Why must life be so full of pain?
The Offspring - (Can't Get My) Head Around You
Because I can't get my head around it? Because people can't get their head around me, so I'm left lonely and.. alone? Or.. you know, what?
How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Unwritten Law - Seein Red
Ahhhahahaa. So.. red lingerie then? Heh. Sexy.
Will I ever have children?
Ayreon - Temple of the Cat
You. What. Ohh.. so. No, I'll have a cat instead. Well.. thats a little depressing. Seems like its constant nappy-free time with a cat. OR. Will my *house* become the temple of the cat, and I'll have HUNDREDS of them? Man, I love that crazy cat lady off'a the Simpsons. She's gotta be my favourite character. But.. y'know.. I don't wanna turn into her. If thats cool..
Will I die happy?
Linkin Park - In the End
Oh.. peas. So life will be a horrible struggle that I won't be happy in for the most part, but In The End, I'll die happy? Awwww peas.
Can you give me some advice?
Zoe Poledouris - I Have Not Been to Paradise
Hmmm.. So.. I.. should take you to Paradise? Sounds sexy.. but you're.. my media player. Umm.. yeah.
What do you think happiness is?
The Strokes - Last Nite
Eh.. heh.. heh.. (I thought we agreed never to tell anyone about that..?) HAH. YEAH. Um. I don't know what to make of THIS one. HEH.
Oh man. Someone thinks I'm having sex with my computer. And that its enjoying it.
What's my favourite fetish?
Nightwish - Dead Gardens
Oh my. Thats just plain creepy. Though I can imagine how that could be a turn on. Y'know. If you use your imagination. A little bit.
Anyway, mah peeps. Thats mah meme. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be, but at least I've lived up to the promise that I'd do it again someday. And I did. And it wasn't as good as the first time. Dammit.
Real update coming later.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Welcome back
Anyway, I'm here to write some more. Mostly out of boredom. Also to keep my mind busy. Which are, actually, two different things. They just sound the same. I should be looking at dead bodies right now. Should be. But somehow, I'm the only one who seems to see something wrong with making a special trip out to Homebush to look at dead bodies filled with silicon with class. Yeah, is there something weird about me? Or about them.
I swear, the enthusiasm with which some people were agreeing to go see these corpses is nothing short of ghoulish. I'm sure at least half must've just been nodding with ghastly grins on their faces just to be some sort of emo/goth/fearless cool in front of others. Not me. There is no force in heaven or earth that could make me spend my afternoon gazing thoughtfully at the living impaired.
And I refuse to get pulled into some kind of "well, you watch SVU" debate. I'm aware of the hypocrisy. But there's a line drawn in my mind, and I'm not going to let Cul101 throw up all over it.
Speaking of Cul101, I'm in dire need of a concept I can explore through use of images. But I'm stumped. And I *know* some pretty creative people read this blog.. on and off. I want some serious suggestions. Lest I die of assignmentlessness. Its a pandemic, I tells ya.
Dammit. I really *really* don't want to work on Saturday. *REALLY*. I even had a nightmare about it last night. A serious nightmare. Its been ages since I've had a real nightmare. When you start having nightmares about work, is it usually a sign that you're in the wrong line of work? I don't know. I think it might be. The demon babies will haunt me the rest of my days.
Thats a dirty lie. There weren't any demon babies.
So, my scheduled meeting with Maddie and Chris went well last night. In that, I had a vodka fanta, and we went to McDonalds. I don't think I can ever go to McDonalds again. The very sight of it is starting to turn my stomach. No, thats a dirty lie too. But we go there a lot. Like a *lot*. More than I think even *they'd* recommend. Also, we saw Pedrum. For all those who don't remember/know him, he went to school with us. He was in my music class for 2 years. Or 1 year. Or X years. But yeah, Chris'd never spoken to him in his life, and he ended up pedalling his music to him while we were in line. Maybe Chris should've been in my music class.
I'm thinking about starting singing lessons. I got good advice from a friend lately about my crippling boredom and self-esteem issues, which was to find something that I'd always wanted to do but discarded it, and to concentrate on it for a little while. I think that something might be singing lessons. I don't have high aspirations. I just want to be able to sing without screwing up every two seconds. I think this is something worth looking into.
Maybe then I can start my own epic-melodic-female-singer-metal-band. Yeah! Screw you Nightwish!
And wear pretty dresses ALL the time.
Yup, thinking aloud.. er.. typing.. er.. saying thoughts in cyber words now.
Man. I really need this theme for my visual portfolio. I just have no idea what to do. And its due in a week!! ONE WEEK! I'm so screwed. Naw, I can do it. Once I have an idea what to do it on, I'll be fine. Its just the idea mongering that's holding me back.
I think I'm gonna go research some singing teachers now. Auf Wiedersehen.
By research singing teachers, I mean do Homestar Runner Quizzes

Which Character Are You?
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Things that I do
I don't know what the crap is wrong with me today. I can only put it down to overtiredness. I had so little sleep last night, then had to get up at Sparrows fart to go to work for like 5 hours. Granted, it was a lovely short work. She unexpectedly came home early, and I could get the crap outta there. But next week... oh dear lord. If I turn up dead.. you know.. anywhere. It'll be coz of.. shut up. Next week is going to suck some serious monkey turds, so expect grouchiness to the power of two twins and a 3 year old.
Tonight, there is revelry. I don't know what form that revelry will take, as it seems to be sort of confused. I think we'll just end up making it up as we go along. And those are usually the *best* of nights, or the *worst* of nights. I have high hopes. Anyway, Tom, Em, Greg and Greg's brother. I'd call him Chris, but that wouldn't help, seeing there are about a trillion Chris's's's in my social network. Believe me, I know. I mapped it out once. Linguistics, my ass.
Yeah, so, this entry is pretty much filling in time. Greg's picking me up, and we all know Greggy's record for punctuality. Bwaha. Well, I guess if you don't, you just figured it out. :P Sorry Greggums, I still love you. Just.. you know. Be on time and all. :P
So tired. So very tired. I.. think? I've sort of lost all feeling to my.. wherever you feel tiredness. I'm buzzing but I know I shouldn't be, and I know I'll crash early. Like, you know, when things start to pick up in whatever we do tonight. Ain't it always the way. I love being bouncy, but it neverEVER lasts. I think I should start popping Speed. Yeah. That'd do it.
I keep hearing cars that *aren't* Gregs.
Unless it is.
My brother just called. That was nice. His house has a room letting if anyone is interested. In Petersham, my brother, who you *know* is cool, and a chick called Bea, who is equally cool or moreso, but she's not getting married. So there. Wait.. what the crap'm I talking about?
Point is... shut up.
Where the crap is Greg.
I saw Sin City the other day. Man that is a fabulous movie. Absolutely friggin marvelous. I mean, once you get past the uber-violence. Which I need to. But ONCE you get past it... man.. best movie ever. Ever single shot was a masterpiece. ... Maybe excluding the one where he's beating the yellow guy. What the crap was that.
Still.. what a fabulous movie. I simply loved it. Also, I saw Memento last night. Which my class is watching in two weeks. HAhaa... no uni for me then. Wooop!
That was a great movie too. Never seen a movie what was backwards before, missir.
Screw this blogging crap.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Third... Naw, Shut up.
Woo! Its been a while since I've been here. So I guess its time to keep you up to date with all the happs in my fairly average, and yet, oh-so-special life.
Yeah, no, what? I have nothing to say.
Umm.. D&D two weeks in a row! If thats not worth mentioning, NOTHING is. Considering we haven't managed to do it for like.. two MONTHS in a row. So yeah. That was good fun. Traipsing about the desert looking for undead, and.. being stuck under a mystical magical maniacal forcefield through which only gaseous form will let us escape. Woo! I love living lives that aren't mine.
Me and Tom really should be given separate time-outs. We're so bad together. We disrupt gameplay like no-ones business. Jokes here, contestations there. Ahh, we're naughty.
BUT! My character earned nearly 50gp whorin' last night! In the desert! How randoms that? Tom's down to 17gp or somethin' and I'm all "maybe you should give whorin' a try?"
Oh, yeah, so I've started working for the Turramurra baby people again now. So if I can't do something social some Saturday, you'll know why. Man, those babies are SO FRIGGIN' CUTE. They are simply adorable. They have tiny little teeth. And they run like maniacs. And then they trip. Awwwww!!
I've found something worse than the bogan though. Oh my. And its the North Shore socialite/prettyboy. Walking around Turramurra looking for an ATM, there wasn't one person who gave me a funny look coz I LOOKED like I'd been working on my feet for eight hours without a break, and had melodic metal blasting out mah ears. So judgemental those people. At least a bogan is friendly. You can get a conversation out of a bogan. But whooaa. Those North Shore yuppies. Pssschh. Kill 'em all.
Wait.. what?
Went out to.. um. Er. Somewhere with Maddie the other day. Roselands I think? It was random anyway. She bought lots of shoes. By lots of, I mean, two pairs. But thats lots to me, seeing I buy one pair at a time, and thats when they're falling off me. But yeah. Friggin' bargain. She bought a pair, and mentioned she'd seen em cheap at another store, for $35 bucks. So the lady conceded and gave em to her cheap. I went and looked at the box later. SEVENTY FIVE BUCKS. Wow. Thats one hell of a discount.
Greg's Barbecue was last weekend. That was lots of fun. Lots of... crashing cars fun. And Magic. And molto yummerando food. Thanks for cooking Greg. I can't remember a lot of it now, it seems like so long ago. But you know. I remember it was fun. Thanks Greg! I guess maybe its my turn to host something soon. :(
Anyway, my day is slipping into the past. I should go. My dad is out, my mum is going to work, my brother doesn't live here anymore. I gots the house to mahself. What should I do? Anyone wanna come over? :)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Second evah!!
If you get excited about something you did wrong, like not updating for weeks, other people will too. There's a lesson in that. I think I pretty much just summed it up.
Uni is back, and mondays suck. Oh no! Not for me! What're you talking about? No, Mondays suck because every single person I know, apart from my dad, is either working or at uni. Or at school.. but I don't like to talk about that..
My timetable is fabulous. Possibly/extremely helped by the fact that I'm only doing two units. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Heh.. I have to have a little giggle while I can, when I hear everyone else complaining about "9am starts" or "8am starts" or... y'know. Other things.
Speaking of uni, let me set a scene for you. Tuesday afternoons, after a nice sleep in. You go into your Mus102 class, in which you will be discussing Rock'n'Roll, Psychadelia, and all the other fun stuff about music. You then discover that your lecturer is a hot 25 (give or take) year old english guy with a dreamy accent. You also discover that your class is full of friends from previous semesters, and all new ones. Doesn't that sound positively AWESOME?
How is it then.. considering this guys age, and the subject matter, that it is the most BORING class that anyone could possibly imagine? Oh! Here's how:
- He's strict about talking in class, like in HIGHSCHOOL for shits sake.
- He stands in the front of the class and speaks in a monotone for 4 hours.
- His "visual aids" consist of black words on white background. Nothing else.
He really couldn't make it more boring if he sat down and thought about it for goodness' sake.
Hey! I just used bulletpoints in a journal entry. Am I cool or what?
I really wanna play Magic guys. Seriously, whenever someone reads this, come to my house, we'll play Magic. No foolin'.
Greg is having a BBQ on Sunday. That's exciting. I don't know why exactly, there've been barbecues before. But I'm excited about this one. Don't ask why. I've just explained. Also,Greg's house again. That's always fun. Greg's house is fun. Again, don't know why. Just dealin' the complements as they come.
It was Julieanne's birthday the other day. We went to Centennial Park and.. er.. Barbecued. But that was awesome too. New surroundings (though slightly awkward to get to), good friends, good food, and bogans. Booooggannns EVERYWHERE!
I have so many new friends in my news classes! In first semester, I had friends because they came to me and started talking. This semester, all the new first semesters are in, and I see them and take pity on them, and I'm the instigator of the friendship. I just love that. I used to be so shy. And now, I'm shouting random things in class, and making a fool of myself in front of new people, and I don't even care! Its FANTASTIC!
Point is, woot.
I miss people like Tom, and Greg, and Silvia and CHRIS though. It seems like ages since I've done anything with them.. but really it was last weekend. But yeah.. I want mah old friends back. You read this, you come to mah house bi-atches. You hear me? Or... read me? Yeah. So. Come here.... NOW!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
First evah!
First ever post at mah new journal. Yeah, I know *blogger*, *blogspot*, *blog blog blog*. But its still a journal to me. Oh diary-x I miss you! But not enough to wait around for you to come back up. So here I am instead.
It better be good or I'll... *shakes fist*
Yeah, no I dunno. I miss diary-x. I really got used to it. And its awesome template that Tom made. Pssch. That was great. Compared to these silly ones. The best I can find is black. What's up with that? Uhm.. I mean.. I bow down before the almighty Blogger. Psschh.
So yeah, what's been going down lately? I ask of myself. All sorts of things. Wonderful WONDERFUL things. Also, things of less wonderfulness.
I went to the dentist today. I was disappointed to hear that I didn't have holes in my teeth. I thought, if I had holes, she'd patch them up and that'd get rid of the horrible pain in my teeth whenever I eat different things. But no. Apparently its my wisdom teeth, and I might have to get them removed. Ugghhh. And as if that's not bad enough, she says I'll have to wait about a year. Which means, you clever lady, I'm going to be stuck with this horrible pain for another year, before having them *well* drilled? That sounds fun. Oh yes, I love the dentist.
I'm going bowling tomorrow. Well, today actually, but I don't like to get pedantic. Heh heh. I don't know why I'm so stoked about it. Also, I don't know why I just used the word 'stoked' for the first time in a real sentence in a totally un-ironic fashion. I don't like bowling that much. Maybe its just the social social social interaction. I like people... some people. Greg is coming over early for Magic. Woo magic!
Ooo, I got my results back from last semester! Woo, Creds and a Pass! That makes me feel well pleased, what with me expecting PCs and possibly Fs for a lot of these subjects. Woo! And I've enrolled for next semester which should be AWESOME. I'm doing a little course I (and they) like to call "Passion, Rebellion and Identity in Popular Music". Compared with things like "Language, culture and communication" and "cultural studies" from last semester, I have a feeling this little unit might be something I'll enjoy and *maybe* even be good at. So what if it has nothing to do with Psychology? What's your point? Pscch. Walk away, dude. Step off.
I really like this font. I wonder what it is.
Oh, and I'm also doing Intro to Visual Culture, coz Aaron's the lecturer. And any class that had Aaron as lecturer should be taken. Taken and taken again. I was lucky, I was in the last MAS104 class he's ever going to teach. I feel MOST lucky.
Psschh. He'll be the first to tell you that if you can do a class at SIBT to get the marks, rather than one that has anything to do with your desired degree, might as well screw em over at SIBT while you can, coz they're money-grubbing bastards. Woo! Go education!
Had a night-out with Sarah the other night. That was good fun. I haven't seen her in a long time. Oh it was so good to see her again. She's so much fun without asking anything in return. I simply love her to pieces. TO PIECES!! YOU HEAR ME?!
Oh I guess this is long enough for a first entry. Blah blah blah. There's gotta be something else to say.. Nope. Bye.
[EDIT] (24th Feb)
I've been tagged. By Sarah! Woo! Here I go..
Four jobs I've had:
- Babysitter
- Nanny (there IS a difference)
- Party Host
- Umm.. I've done market research for money...?
- Serenity
- The Princess Bride
- Sleepy Hollow
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Westleigh
- Lane Cove
- Canberra
- Narooma
- Firefly
- Law and Order (all of em)
- Futurama
- Family Guy
- Er.. Canberra
- Er.. Tangalooma!
- Er.. Victoria for a day.
- Er.................... school.. ? :P
- Butter Chicken
- Traditional Christmas (er.. Pork, veggies, taters, gravy etc)
- Roast Chicken
- Palak Gosht
- Tom's blog (when its up)
- Order of the Stick (webcomic)
- Diesel Sweeties (webcomic)
- Yahoo! Games (shut up you..)
- Peach Iced Tea!!
- Lemon Iced Tea!!
- Pepsi Max (quiet)
- Rum rum rum..
- Wherever Nightwish is. As their new singer :)
- Playing Magic with my awesome friends.
- Asleep
- I dunno, here is pretty good at the mo.
- Greg, Emma, Chris, Sarah, brother, J&J sometimes, and anyone else I've forgotten. I love you all!
- Mum/Dad
- Trains
- Buses
- Tom
- Greg
- Silvia
- I have no friends it seems. Not blogging friends. I'm gonna say Chris even though he on't do it.